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Messages - DragzJoker

Pages: [1] 2
Diplomacy / Re: Hounds of Chulainn declare war on MB
« on: June 21, 2013, 11:30:08 pm »
The thread has gone off-topic but I guess i'll join this mudpit. Why does it matter if you are -1 or +1 it is only a forum. If i met you in real life I would  judge you, not over some internet thing. This is what I hate about the - and + system because it gives people reasons to throw mud at each other. The system also gives a preemptive feeling if someone has high infamy. The internet is also a very distorting thing, some people act like they have balls of steel on the internet but they sometimes are just lonely or weak people. Some opinions are just bandwagons such as the "FREE  such and such" or "nerf 2h" so why dont we hop of the bandwagon of accusing everyone of multiaccounting and just spend  our leisure time bashing skulls over the internet.  :D

I would love to come  :D I have a recorder

Realism Discussion / Surgeons!
« on: June 10, 2013, 10:55:35 pm »
We had medicine in the medieval times right? So why not have surgeons? Here is my idea.

Surgeons are based on a new attribute intelligence. Every 3 points in the attribute allows you to upgrade a skill, there are 3 tiers of skills, it goes like this, if you have 2 point in first aid you can go to the next tier and then the next tier and so on and so forth.

First aid: Only helps minor wounds if you had 1/5 of your health gone you can be healed.
Wound Treatment: Treats mediocre wounds if you had 2/5 health gone you can be healed.
Surgery: Treats serious wounds if you had 4/5 health gone you can be healed.
Note: You can not heal yourself, only teammates can heal you.

First aid Kit: Must have on you for all healing if you don't have this you cant do any healing.
Weight: 10
Can only be used twice
Cost: 7,000 gold

Surgeon scalpel: Used for surgery, IS NOT A REQUIREMENT you don't have to use it if you don't want to but if you don't you cant perform surgery.
18 INT
Weapon length: 45
Weight: 1
Speed rating: 110
Thrust damage: 23 Pierce
Swing damage: 23 pierce
Cost: 15,000
I got this idea from the mod Persistent world and NordInvasion  :D love those mods

Diplomacy / Re: Hounds of Chulainn declare war on MB
« on: June 10, 2013, 10:16:51 pm »
I guess HoC will be the black and MB be Will Ferrell?

General Discussion / Clones, great.
« on: April 20, 2013, 02:29:01 am »

Faction Halls / Re: [HoC] Hounds of Chulainn (NA)
« on: February 26, 2013, 09:50:57 pm »
The Old King has fallen ill with sclerosis of the liver. Never fear though-he will continue to drink ale from the purest natural alcohol springs found in the empire. King's Hand Warborn and I, Soturin will continue on the great and savage legacy of HoC on the strat map.


Faction Halls / Re: [HoC] Hounds of Chulainn (NA)
« on: February 12, 2013, 04:24:57 am »
Ah, that   ban request. All I did it for was for the reaction of pre-pubescent children on this 'ban request'

Faction Halls / Re: [HoC] Hounds of Chulainn (NA)
« on: February 12, 2013, 03:59:52 am »
Simply quoting Smegmar towards one of my members.

That is what im trying to point out. This kind of childish name calling doesnt make any sense at all. Lets remember now this is the internet, never take anything seriously

Faction Halls / Re: [HoC] Hounds of Chulainn (NA)
« on: February 12, 2013, 03:57:16 am »
Polestun is hard *Cough* "autistic cunt" *cough*

Autism! That rustle my jimmies, im back in sixth grade now, children calling each other my old friends and retards

Faction Halls / Re: [HoC] Hounds of Chulainn (NA)
« on: February 12, 2013, 03:54:45 am »
THE HORRORS OH THE HORRORS! The logic and reasoning should not be on these forums. Oh   no! MY bundle of sticks IT CANT TAKE IT!

Faction Halls / Re: [HoC] Hounds of Chulainn (NA)
« on: February 12, 2013, 03:32:02 am »'re-an-admin-or-if-you-have-a-valid-input/!/

I just don't understand that if you don't care, why do your members constantly team kill me because they don't like me?  The indecency this clan has shown disgusts me and I cannot take the thought of one more potential good c-rpg citizen becoming corrupt with retardation.

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[Edit] I know that you guys take people leaving the clan *UP THE ASS* considering I've read multiple reviews about what happens after they leave, combined with my own experience...  an example.

(click to show/hide)

What the fuck did I just say put our energies against the Jews!

Faction Halls / Re: [HoC] Hounds of Chulainn (NA)
« on: February 12, 2013, 03:08:55 am »
Now children, we dont need coloured words and quoting each other for mistakes and such. Lets not shitpost anymore, it feels like a second grade playground in this kind of community. Lets all just stop the nonsense and put our hate on the Jews. Capish?

Realism Discussion / Horses Fight Back
« on: January 01, 2013, 05:18:28 am »
I believe that the devs should make the horses able to fight back enemies. Historically horses were trained to kick and bite if provoked by enemies. I hate when an unmanned horse just sitting there herp derp and being sliced away by players. The animation should be when the horse rears up and stands up and kicks the attacking player and knocks them down, the damage should be calculated by the charge points on the horse. I dont believe that the damage should be very much damage at all but just a small suggestion for the devs. This has been mentioned before but was only for the death of the horse I disagree with it. I think im going to get a ton of shit from non-cav players, but oh well

finnian brought a shitstorm for himself :D


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