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Messages - Glaedr

Pages: [1]
Buy / Buy +1/+2 Longbow
« on: February 06, 2012, 06:19:02 pm »
I'm looking for Longbow +1 or +2, PM me with offers (maybe I can buy Bodkin Arrows +1, but only for 300k).

Sell/Trade / MW Nodachi for MW Long/Rus Bow
« on: August 26, 2011, 10:45:29 pm »
Masterwork Nodachi
weapon length: 122
weight: 3.5
difficulty: 16
speed rating: 92
weapon length: 122
thrust damage: 0 pierce
swing damage: 46 cut
slots: 2
Can't use on horseback

I can add some money too.

Sell/Trade / Trade MW Flamberge
« on: August 23, 2011, 02:31:14 pm »
I have Masterwork Flamberge:
Masterwork Flamberge
weapon length: 152
weight: 4
difficulty: 18
speed rating: 87
weapon length: 152
thrust damage: 26 pierce
swing damage: 49 cut
slots: 2
Can't use on horseback
Can't sheath

Looking for German Sword, Great Sword, Nodachi, Armor or Gloves (of course everything +3)

Sell/Trade / <Trade> MW Long Hafted Blade for MW Nordic Champion Sword
« on: August 03, 2011, 04:10:00 pm »
I have:
Masterwork Long Hafted Blade
weapon length: 153
weight: 2
difficulty: 15
speed rating: 93
weapon length: 153
thrust damage: 21 pierce
swing damage: 40 cut
slots: 2
I want Nordic Champion Sword +3.

Sell/Trade / Trade Masterwork Knightly Arming Sword
« on: July 31, 2011, 11:20:58 pm »
I'm interested on any two handed weapon (Great Sword's, Heavy Bastard or Nodachi are the best) or 900k gold.

Masterwork Knightly Arming Sword
weapon length: 102
weight: 1.3
difficulty: 13
speed rating: 98
weapon length: 102
thrust damage: 26 pierce
swing damage: 34 cut
slots: 1

Sell/Trade / Trade MW Long Hafted Blade
« on: July 27, 2011, 10:50:36 pm »
I want trade my MW Long Hafted Blade for one handed weapon (Nordic champion sword/Knightly Arming Sword/Elite Scimitar)

More screenshots from this battle (I was banned for nothing too):

Pages: [1]