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Messages - downgrade

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: SAVE CRPG! NERF RANGED
« on: August 07, 2012, 05:39:13 am »
im sorry it takes skill to play a ranger, you have to ajust hight and lead your targets not to mention its lower dmg then 1 hitting someone with a mace, dont like it buy a sheild, get a horse. learn to dodge. archers are frickin garbage now. you dont like range i dont like melee, lets make melee so they can only take 1 step a min, that sounds fair right? oh and they lose 1% for every weight over 10 and 4x for helm and 2x for gloves and make them swing slower for the higher power strike just like archers. oh and lets make their weapons brake after 20 hits. that sounds fair right?

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