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Messages - drivec

Pages: [1]
Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: 2h/Xbow Build
« on: June 09, 2011, 09:34:09 am »
edit: nvm i found out why.

Faction Halls / Re: (NA Clan) Knights Hospitaller (Recruiting)
« on: January 12, 2011, 08:58:43 am »
i saw your post couple days ago. just started playing just couple days before .201 was released.

pretty interested in joining ill hop on ts3 soon.

Suggestions Corner / Re: upkeep unnecessary
« on: January 06, 2011, 09:26:06 am »
because builds that require heavy armor to survive cost more upkeep then builds that run with lighter armor.

certain builds will be able to wear full top tier all the time and builds requiring heavy armor to survive wont. which is unbalanced and unfun. i dont see why ppl complain about top tier armor when everyone has access to it.

there are tons of better ways to limit those high tiers stuff like weight then adding a cost to using items u bought.

Suggestions Corner / upkeep unnecessary
« on: January 06, 2011, 06:08:33 am »
i really think upkeep is unnecessary and is more of a burden for players then anything. why would u add something to make things harder for people.

upkeep adds unbalance to builds because some builds require more upkeep then others. builds should not be balance by what u can buy and support but should be by stats and skills.

it would be much more fairer(and funner) if we all just got less money and didnt have to worry about upkeep and not being able to use our items again for while.

no one wants to lvl to max lvl just to not be able to use full gear all the time thats not fun and means u are always grinding even at max lvl.

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