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Messages - Lead_Heart

Pages: [1] 2
General Discussion / Re: What has cRPG come to?
« on: August 17, 2012, 10:21:53 pm »

If you keep getting shot down it seems you  need to adapt your stratagy. Do not blame the ranged and cavalry for your shortcomings.

Thank you!

Closed Requests / Re: BanRequest/ BienPro
« on: August 14, 2012, 11:50:15 pm »

I claim that Bienpro team killed me first and several others, including the virgin. Do you mean to say that admins do not join the finer persuit of teamkilling and trollbanning?

Never the less... It was wrong of me to take vigilantism into my own hands. For that I do apologise to the community and to beinpro.
I am sorry.
Calau_Cel_Mare, Time_Lashes, LeadHeart

Closed Requests / APOLOGY (Not an unban request)
« on: August 14, 2012, 11:32:24 pm »
Hello C-Rpg community,

     I have recently had several incidents in wich I have teamkilled and have done many irreputable dealings. I apologise to the entire community for my behavior. Please forgive my tresspasses.

Thank You,
Lead Heart, Time Lashes, Calau_Chel_Mare

Closed Requests / Re: Ban Calau_Chel_Mare
« on: August 14, 2012, 11:27:49 pm »

 I apologise for my actions. Please do not ban and forgive me my tresspasses.

Thank You,

Closed Requests / Re: BanRequest/ BienPro
« on: August 14, 2012, 11:24:13 pm »
Hello Sir,

    Will you please instruct me in the process of screenshot? And if "screen" or it didn't happen is valid... Why have I been banned without screenshots?

If screenshots are necessary for ban and screenshots are not provided....Then that can only mean admin corruption!

Thank you! :D

Closed Requests / BanRequest/ BienPro
« on: August 14, 2012, 08:10:53 am »
Hello Admins,

 Bienpro is killing the virgin and team killing. I trust that this matter will be solved expeditiously.

Thank YOu:D

Hello Sir,

1. I waas told to get a weapon=I switch to polearm weapon character
2. I was told polearms are op= I switch to two handed
3. I am told that precautions are unnecassary and to come back with a knife= switch back to agi crutch with knife
4. I am told to wear armor= I wear clothes
5. I am told to get a REAL weapon and REAL armor= Attempt to add points onto stregnth (3) but takes a WHILE because i am level 19. So i can't just grab GREAT weapons.
6. I am told to engage in combat= I have 3 str 22 agi... Raped by 45 str, 3 agi and other stregnth whores
7. I am banned for suicide (aka sucking in combat)

I was compliant. I listened. I obeyed. I was banned none theless. My first character was a stregnth whore and was banned for being too weak(level 1). I was new and they banned me because they didn't want me taking up character slots during autobalance.

My friend rest assured. With so much aboose i might as well play native.

Here are admin abuses

1. Bans for swinging
2. Bans for stabbing
3. Bans for strange armor
4. Bans for flamberge
5. Bans for birdache
6. Bans for spears
7. Bans for Shields
8. Bans for Throwing
9. Bans for new characters
10. Bans for closing gate when defending (get kills faster with gate open)
11. Bans team kill victims.
12. Bans at troll request of other playsers
13. Bans because "why not"
14. Plays with ban hammer.
15. Uses pistol
16. Uses machine gun
17. Uses some kind of 20 foot sword (not flamberge)
18. Uses admin boost char
19. Bans for being christian
20. Bans for restisting team kill
21. Bans for running to fast
22. Bans for jumping too high
23. Bans for setting up ladders
24 bans for pushing towers
25 bans for not wearing  heavy enough armor
26.  bans for running away from enemy
27. Bans for defeating admin
28. Bans for taking admins weapons
29. Bans for being gay
30. Bans for taking flag
31. Bans for opening gate (when attacking)
32. Teleports players
33. Paralyzes players
34. Bans for paralyzed afk
35. Takes away stats
36. Takes away weapons
37. Replaces weapons with shit weapons
38. takes away armor
39. Replaces weapons with shit weapons, takes away armor and makes players invincible so that they are alive but can't fight or do anything.
40. Makes players into the virgin
41.Bans for drowning
42. Bans for falling
43. Bans for horses
44. Bans for crossbows
45. Bans for archers

I CRY ABOOSEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I choose to believe that you have team killed as well. The person who i kicked team killed me SEVERAL times, so I assumed a kick would not be out of line. I assumed mutual respect. I thought we could just have a laugh and move on. But no instead I am permanently banned for kicking an admin off of the stairs. The admin team killed me and kicked me several times for being a low level character (new).  This is clearly admin abuse. Why is it acceptable to teleport, use pistols, teamkill, lol kick, and kick weak charcters, but If i DARE to kick the admin off the stairs ONCE then I am banned permanently. No my friend... I cry ABOOSE!!!!
Thank You


So your telling me you have NEVER EVER kicked someone off? Or ever team killed? I said I was sorry and stopped. They felt a ban was necessary. KIcking someone of ONCE is not a bannable offense. It is worth a good scolding but a ban is excessive. It is griefing!

I got banned again..

 So let me get this straight. If i have 22 agility and 7 athletics open gates, flag, towers, and ladders, distract, kick archers off ledges but avoid combat im a leech? But if i get knife, armor and fight, and die then im fine?

Thank you :D


     I do like team killing. My intention was not to team kill however. I apologized and ceased immediately. However Shaka team killed me as well. Revenge is wrong so for that I am sorry. I did not know this game was take so seriously that kicking someone off a ladder would constitute such hefty banning. I thought we were here to have fun.

Thank You. :D


     Yes I did get banned for the same reason. I am discussing this with NA as well.

Thank you for your carefull attention.
Im sorry   :cry:


     And you are a moderator?  Why do you accept trollish behaviour? Why do you accept corruption? How can you allow such unjustices?

Curious :?

Closed Requests / I was banned recently and would like to make amends.
« on: August 05, 2012, 07:30:23 am »
Hello Admins,
      I was banned recently for the following transgressions.
1. Not using weapons.
2. Not using armor.
3. Being a low level character and very weak "leeching" on seperate occasions (seperate incident from the no weapons/armor)

      When people started to kick and to ban I said "Ask me politely and I will obey". I believe this ban is unfair and excessive. There are not many servers, so I would appreciate a ban lift and warnings in the future.

Thank You :D

ask politely? :D are you serious? there is no need for someone to ask you to play by simple rules man, Long story short i belive your ban was not long , maybe 1 h or couple hours at max.

P.S. Yes I am serious. I do expect people to ask politely.

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