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Messages - Fanlaen

Pages: [1]
What's with Acre becoming so popular? It seems like every new player or regular players wants to join Acre. I can say I do have an alt in the clan so I can bannerstack when the Knights of Saint Peter are not on. I was on last night and one team was full of Acre, some were new but mostly older members. I think y'all guys are great. Dang, last bannerstack with the hoplites was last year and there was like seven of us on siege.

Well in all my time of playing, they're the only clan that's approached me and asked me if I wanted to join.

General Discussion / Re: Make CRPG more forgiving
« on: May 15, 2013, 10:10:22 pm »
I think the game is very punishing but also very rewarding once you start to understand what the hell you're doing. If you make it less punishing it will be less rewarding, you might attract more players, but you'll have less players sticking around for long periods of time.

General Discussion / Re: Robert Namo - leeching and exploiting
« on: May 13, 2013, 06:45:11 pm »
People ignore peasants?

I don't, its the only way I can avoid being a bottom feeder on the scoreboard.  8-)
Also, acting AFK is the best way to kill cav, they usually head to spawn to kill afkers before getting people in the bum  :lol:

Don't know why we're singling out robert namo, plenty of people do similar things. I don't really care even if I don't have anyone to "bro" with, I just alt tab and browse the web when people are fucking around at the end of a round, unless its funny.

got x5, connection to server is lost :cry:

General Discussion / Re: Help the NA!
« on: May 09, 2013, 07:12:29 pm »
Wait, so you're saying I can play NA servers and get double exp? Well.. maybe ill just stay on EU a bit more and blame my shit play on lag.

I think I can act european for a while for this double exp

General Discussion / Re: Why i dont hate strategus anymore
« on: April 21, 2013, 08:47:26 pm »
And here I was grinding through generation 1 on battles like an idiot  :shock:
 Best part is when you finally get that x5, just to have 4 of your teammates go off the map for fun, and watching the enemy team just cap the flag  :rolleyes:

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Stuff I Learned
« on: April 09, 2013, 11:09:43 pm »
Couple of questions:

1) How do you deal with people who have shields as a 2H? Seems like they can just block your first hit and then your range advantage is lost right away. Then they just spam their faster attacks and either you block forever or you go for a hit and die.

2)How the hell do you kill cavalry? If I stand directly in front of them and try to thrust, I get run over. If I stand to the side and side swing, I hit their horse, but they usually kill me with the one swing.

How I got better: I didn't  8-)

I'm having this problem right now :( Haven't played in 2 weeks, just updated the game client.

General Discussion / Re: Screenshots and videos thread.
« on: August 07, 2012, 12:34:07 am »
(click to show/hide)
They were right, I have no backbone

General Discussion / Re: What's your KD rate
« on: August 07, 2012, 12:27:22 am »
First Generation/Level 25/2H who blocks poorly. It got better when I started to turn around once a while and intercept incoming cav or to check if I wasn't charging into 5 enemies by myself.

General Discussion / Re: Crossbow cav RAGE thread....
« on: August 06, 2012, 04:57:46 am »
Who cares...

Yes, it is a really my old friendgy playstyle.

No, it's not a big deal because almost all of them are complete shit at it, except a couple Like Rohypnol.

Last night Rohypnol was the last man alive in a 1v8 while I was one of the 8. Fun 3 minutes. Hide, wait for flag, cap flag. When I'm one of the dead ones ill just browse the internet.

I don't mind good ones. I'm just generally annoyed by players that run away for 2-3 minutes because they have higher agi/ath while trying to milk their multipliers or to gain valor (if thats how it works). I just want to play the damn game, even if all I do is die.

Beginner's Help and Guides / How do repairs work?
« on: July 26, 2012, 10:47:47 pm »
So I started the day with 3k gold and throughout the day my Armor's been repaired twice, my claymore 5 times and my helmet once.. So I got irritated, alt tabbed out and repaired the armor and sword in the inventory, then joined a game. My armor repaired itself again.

After playing for a solid 3-4 hours I went from 3k gold to 200...  :(

I don't understand how it works, some days my gear doesn't get repaired a single time

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