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Messages - Elder

Pages: [1]
Global / Re: Got global ban somewhy
« on: April 14, 2013, 09:21:19 pm »
It's been almost a months and there is still no answer from admins. Today i wanted to play with my roommate and his clan but i found myself still banned for some mystirious reason and no answer. Is admins inactive or abandoned this mod?

I repeat i never use cheats or autoblock and I certainly do not use multiaccounting cos i don't play strategus for long time (since last wipe).

Global / Got global ban somewhy
« on: March 27, 2013, 05:55:30 pm »
Did not played for a while, logged to the site today and found myself globally banned without any reason. I did not use autoblock and multiaccounting neither. Then why i got ban?

Character name is Grandma.

Closed Requests / [ban] Druzhina_Nebun intentional teamkill
« on: July 18, 2012, 08:43:04 am »
That guy shoot me in face on start of the round after i unintentionally teamkill him in the end of last round.

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Pages: [1]