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Messages - Garrett_

Pages: [1]
Suggestions Corner / Re: Viking age stuff and other awesome features
« on: January 22, 2011, 02:12:31 pm »
All this stuff would be great, but I would be careful with insults, I would not want to hear "low-porn orc" 100 times at start of the round :wink:.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Running horses into obstacles.
« on: January 22, 2011, 02:08:52 pm »
Thats true. But if it is possible then it could be good thing to make rider to fall from his horse when the horse will stop in this manner.
I agree, there are many good things that could be done to enchance gameplay and immersion, like falling off horses, grappling in close combat(1 handers would have some advantage here :)), disarming your opponents, or even simple things that were done in other mods(check vikingr;), like crouching, taunting and shield bashing, it's just hard, time cosuming, or in some cases impossible to implement them all.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Running horses into obstacles.
« on: January 22, 2011, 01:48:18 pm »
Should hurt them. Go drive your car into a tree at 30mph. Tell me what happens afterward.
Just a sec, need to find my keys...
On a more serious note horses are usually not that stupid to slam straight into trees(unless blindfolded), they are, unlike cars living beings.

General Discussion / Re: Gold for Kills and damage
« on: January 09, 2011, 07:40:45 pm »
How does it encurage people to charge and die stupidly?? if u die u will get no further gold for kills so I dobout u wnat to die quick,
I am not sure if you understand players mentality: very few people actually think what they are doing at the battlefield, most just watch for nearest enemy and when they spot them they just charge straight on, now this mindset is not particulary ecouraged by current patch, because you get gold per minute, and having 5x modifier actually makes people think: is it profitable to just charge and die?, with bonus for kills it would have much less effect and don't forget about tk fest that happens usually when lone enemy player is spotted: it would just get worse.

General Discussion / Re: Gold for Kills and damage
« on: January 09, 2011, 06:41:30 pm »
Some gold for securing objectives/whatever you name it - could work, rewarding people for damage/kills - no thanks, we already have people tking when swarming lone enemy, or charging like idiots straight to enemy defences just to get kill, why should we encourage that?

General Discussion / Re: Elegant vs German Poleaxe
« on: January 09, 2011, 06:16:19 pm »
German is better no doubts, and tbh with way it is now every poleaxe above long bardiche is kinda extravagant waste of money.

If what you said is true then said people deserve long ban, that kinf of behavior is just untolerable.

I have not been in fight although I considered signing up for it, anyway if what defenders say is true(and it may very well be true because attackers presented no evidence on their side aside of personal insults) then its worthy of chadz investigation and possibly ban to people who abuse system, just wanted to say that because it sickens me if somebody behaves in such non-fair way, good luck on resolving the case.

Suggestions Corner / Highland Claymore
« on: January 07, 2011, 02:08:12 pm »
Copied from tw forums:
Looking at the stats/price hc seems to be rather overpriced weapon, I mean it costs almost 10k, have high strenght requirement, mediocre thrust, not very good lenght, is slower than most other greatswords, and quite heavy(although its not always bad per se), it's only redeeming factors are high cut and cool look :wink:, still I think to make it really comparable to other weapons it should have price decrased/stats buffed. What do you think?

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