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Messages - Arthenon

Pages: [1]
Game Admin Feedback / Farfel - Admin abuse
« on: June 24, 2012, 07:37:04 pm »
i was on NA_CRPG-3 dueling and no one was complaining that i threw lances in the fight since throwers are slow in close combat, but i managed well. I dueled Farfel and he starts whining that i shouldn't use lances unless agreed upon so I'm like wtf? I'm a thrower and he's a 2h. It's more than fair for me to be able to throw. Next duel with him he kicks me. i come back and poll a kick for him due to admin abuse and he bans me not even letting the chance for my comrades to have their opinion on this. I declare admin abuse and that he be scowled at due to this recklessness. The classes are balanced so it's supposed to be used to it's utmost advantage. Do you guys agree with me or what?



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