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Messages - Farmer_Rolf

Pages: [1]
Suggestions Corner / Re: A few DTV suggestions
« on: January 03, 2013, 01:14:16 pm »
thats exactly the same as hurting the people that dont get kills. they often do VERY important jobs.

btw you talk about disencouraging using fences and adding better blocking ai. this is a great idea
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i meant the bonus exactly as that a bonus ontop of the current xp system and NA just got 4 direction blocking ai and collision corpses yesterday dtv is much easier now =)

 and the longer weapons would only keep the people that don't know how to effectively use fences from using them and just taking up space maybe i should have specified them, oh wait...
If not new waves atleast add some more weapons to be used in current waves, a few longer weapons mixed in would encourage people to not get in fences unless they knew what they were doing and would make rounds shorter

also not like people have no common sense to not use fences if they cant win without

also @ karasu people wouldnt go solo hero unless they can survive if the bonus is only given to survivors like i stated

Suggestions Corner / Re: A few DTV suggestions
« on: January 03, 2013, 05:28:50 am »
Stay away from bonus for kills! :? That would encourage SO MUCH kill-stealing that a new hate-wave would start in DTV, its enough when people cry about kill stealing now when it DOESN'T matters  :rolleyes:
But except for that, I like the suggestions. This bonus could be applied JUST to few people who survived, in case when half of team dies for example.  :D

idk about EU but in NA it is usually a few players killing a huge majority of bots and "kill steals" would only be a problem if the few players were doing it to each other consistently and the top players are usualy more friendly in dtv

this, the problem is that these guys need support from other players that do less damage, but still are very important. eg: i am a piker, so i often have to stay at the virgin or i stun bots for my teammates. i CAN easily make massive kills, but i dont do it that often as most of the time supporting is more important than kills. in some maps, we need shielders to stand somewhere so the bots get stuck there. the shielders cant attack the bots, but are  very important in order to win!

what i proposed wouldnt hurt people not getting kills only reward the people getting kills a little more

Suggestions Corner / A few DTV suggestions
« on: January 02, 2013, 02:01:36 pm »

a list of some DTV changes i think would make the mode better and more fun to play, enjoy my (spaced) wall of text!

it could really use a new wave especially between bandits and nomads, the difference in difficulty is too much for many groups

If not new waves atleast add some more weapons to be used in current waves, a few longer weapons mixed in would encourage people to not get in fences unless they knew what they were doing and would make rounds shorter

mix a few bots in with blocking ai and different armor into current waves maybe those bots ^  :twisted:

add a bonus to the player(s) that kill the most bots at the end of each round preferablly picked from survivors

lowering repair costs would help the dtv server, I don't have a problem making money but of course most others do judging by their complaints :rolleyes:

post your thoughts!

-experienced DTV player  :D

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