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Messages - Ganja_White_Knight

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That doesn't explain the fact that my friend hasn't been plagued with constant upkeep costs. He's got a higher cost of 3.1K max upkeep.
We've literally been sitting next to each other both playing at the same times on the same servers with our own accounts.

Since i posted this topic an hour ago i've had to pay out for an individual item after 9/10 rounds.
It'll be my helmet, then sword and then my armor and back to the helmet or bow.
My friend hasn't noticed any upkeep charges really, maybe the occasional 200 - 300 gold. He's managed to earn another 10K on the same server while i sit with 200 Gold now. Both dying roughly the same number of times etc.

This has been going on for long enough to rule a 4% chance per minute out of the picture.

All i'm asking for is someone to look into this.

I''ve been playing cRPG for the past 18 hours with my friends computer set up next to mine and playing on the same servers. I did not notice the upkeep of my armour at the start as i wasn't being taxed very often if at all. I managed to earn roughly about 30K in about two hours. My Friend the same.

Then, all of a sudden, i'm having to pay out 70-100% Upkeep after EVERY SINGLE round. The first time it started happening it lasted about an hour to an hour and a half and i earned NO GOLD in the hour and a half.

This subsided and i resumed normal play experiencing pretty much no upkeep cost for another 6-10 hours.

Then it struck again... for the past 2 hours or so... 70-100% upkeep costs after EVERY ROUND again.
The frustrating part is, my friends game sitting next to mine hasn't had any issues of this sort. He's continued to play the 18 hours or so unaffected by this "mystery problem"

If i mention this in game people just laugh or hit me with this 4% chance a minute chat. Clearly not the case.

I'm wearing - Heavy Strange Armour, Roman Helm w/vail, Leather Gloves, Greaves and use a Nodachi. I doubt any of this gear is the root of the problem but its worth a mention.

Has anyone else noticed anything like this?

I'd like to try and find an answer to this because it's most definitely not a random occurance in my case.


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