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Messages - Haru_Takeda

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Character Name: rottencrotchHaru

package sent ✔

Announcements / Re:
« on: March 04, 2015, 05:46:19 am »
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: Learn how to play a different build or learn how to code/develop your own shit to help the current c-rpg team out.

I have been changing my build a lot, I've been polearm longer than 2h in my crpg career and have been respecing to different things since the weekly respec came into existence.  So your bullshit about learning to play a different build is completely fucking moot.

Learn to code so I can fix the bullshit that other people have fucked up?  Are you fucking kidding me?  What a fucking useless comment.  That is like me telling you the president s doing something wrong and you telling me to become president.  Should everyone who has an opinion on crpg become a dev and change it exactly how they like?  Fucking preposterous.  Your debating skills are seriously lacking.

Look at the demographics of weapon types now.  2h is by far the least used now and a large majority of those who still use it, dont use weapons with a stab.  The stab is basically broken, its useless, its clunky, its now the only animation in the game that you literally cannot see, the point of the weapon is covered by your character and it makes it useless.

Its smart for chadz to let people ruin CRPG so they are forced to buy his new game.  It's even better that there are players like you who eat that shit up, any update they release, just open your mouth and let the supposed devs drop their pathetic balls in your mouth.

Regardless, crpg is not fun anymore, people just troll around not fighting (setting up duels at the end of a round doesnt count, that shit has been around forever) and serious players crutching on all the broken items.

Announcements / Re:
« on: March 03, 2015, 05:49:37 am »
I don't understand why chadz is allowing these scrubs to take a giant shit on CRPG.

Revert it back before this garbage patch.  They broke half the items, made 2h completely useless, changed the entire dynamics of the game.  That is not what CRPG needed to revive, it needed REAL dev support and REAL thought-out, well-executed additions.

Oh yeah, and awlpike on horseback, LOL.  Are you fucking serious?

What? Not at all, that's not how the events raffle works. People who participated in, or even only SPECTATED the EU donkey race, got raffle tickets. Furthermore, you didn't get additional raffle tickets for winning a tournament, so you can't really draw this conclusion.  :wink:

Ahh, so nerds without lives get OP wep.  It's like a pay2win game except you pay in virginity and having no friends.

Wait so the looney toons axe was removed because it was ridiculously overpowered and almost game-breaking.  So your idea is to just give it to the best players in the game?  BAHAHAHAHA.  TYDEUS BEST BALANCER

Official cRPG 3v3 NA Tournament / Re: Post Here If You Need A Team
« on: June 21, 2014, 08:06:57 pm »
I'm interested in participating in the turny.  I am going to try and get Saul and ManO to join me too.  Character name: JesusHGHChrist

Events & Tournaments / Re: NA Melee Duel Tournament
« on: June 21, 2014, 08:02:14 pm »
I can't make it, I'm out of town for the turny.   :evil:

Events & Tournaments / Re: NA Melee Duel Tournament
« on: June 17, 2014, 11:29:51 am »
Player Name: JesusHGHChrist
Contact Details:  (TS) or c-rpg message me.

NA (Official) / Re: Ban: Tom_Cruise_The_Last_Samurai
« on: March 03, 2014, 11:59:41 pm »
Well, I am quite sexist and an ageist but I never say the n-word nor anything along the lines of racism.  Either way, that is completely beside the point.

NA (Official) / Ban: Tom_Cruise_The_Last_Samurai
« on: March 03, 2014, 11:26:27 pm »
Name of reporter: Remnant_sweetprinceHaru
Accused: Tom_Cruise_The_Last_Samurai
Time of incident: 2pm(PST) 3/3/2014
Description of events: See top of screenshot log.  Anti-Semitic slur.

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NA (Official) / Re: Ban Thread
« on: September 14, 2013, 08:07:17 am »
I was there, and was actually the first person to report Heavenly_Outlaw_Eugene.  I spawned in and was immediately hit twice by Eugene.  It was obviously intentional as he kept going to different people, team wounding.

cRPG Technical problems / Re: Servers
« on: July 16, 2013, 11:49:13 pm »
I don't see any servers either.

I've tried editing the max connections allowed in warband and made sure my DOS/Port Scan Protection was disabled (IP flood protection)

Can someone help?

Good job Team Frisia/anyone who they chose to recruit on their scrim team.  No ranged limits means you can recruit as many non-faction ranged members as you like.  Theres only so many lvl 36 archers in the game, make sure you put them ALL on your team.

NA (Official) / [UNBAN]Haru
« on: July 04, 2013, 01:05:39 pm »
I hopped into a game recently, was playing, and tked someone, said "not sorry" and got banned.  I'm drunk but thats no excuse.  I don't know how long I was banned for so if someone could chime in on that it would be much appreciated.

NA (Official) / Re: ban Remnant_sweetprinceHaru
« on: June 21, 2013, 12:04:55 am »
That was another player who commented about HoC.  I don't agree with that statement actually, I think HoC crutches on shields and armor  :twisted:

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