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Messages - st_vitus

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Rate the player above!
« on: June 15, 2012, 03:40:12 pm »

retarded alien baby .

will provide poop for his poop facial therapy treatment.

Closed Requests / Re: unban and i hate you so fmuch i hope you fdie
« on: June 14, 2012, 06:31:34 am »
im sorry that so many of the things i said were out of line and not funny.

seriously though unban me please... im dying here. Literally slowly I am dying and so are you so like... on with the show.

Closed Requests / Re: unban and i hate you so fmuch i hope you fdie
« on: June 14, 2012, 06:27:13 am »
i aim to entertain

Closed Requests / unban and i hate you so fmuch i hope you fdie
« on: June 13, 2012, 08:12:44 pm »
you understand me?

fkn unban me so i can play hte game you fkin jerks aregetting off on try torment me?

you take my multiplier make me stack team against me... every round X1 i go X5 u say oh vitus time for ban time for kick from serve hrahahahaha big funy joke onv itus

oh fvitus say racist vitus say spam vitus do this ban he ban this ban that fuck you

have clan named SEMEN and you ba n me from the game? people run awround talk about racist and fck asshole all day and i am the 1 to get banned i cam her to h ave good time a
dn yo u all ruin it for me and chain ban me from the srvers.
you understand me now? FDIE i FHATE YOU I FWANT SEE YOU BURN

Closed Requests / Re: hi vitus again... :|
« on: June 10, 2012, 06:40:36 am »
i found a thread where someone requested that i get banned??

they said i was repeat offender leecher... that is not true. SOmetimes i must spawn with no items because I use very expensive equipment.

It breaks and then I have to run naked until I can repair? I usually try to find a weapon to replace.

Today I was leeching for real though I had to afk a few rounds those ones I got banned in.

i admit i did it but do not blow it out of proportion i dont barely ever do that.

Soon I will be level 1 again through retirement 300k and i will be using a less expensive on repairs build...

Please 4 days is a very long time to be banned for ... with all the bugs in the last update i could not even use armor for half the day??? and this was also held against me

Closed Requests / hi vitus again... :|
« on: June 10, 2012, 06:34:56 am »
so i was leeching a little today on europe server and on north america also.

i am banned from both.

to explain, its just i got really poor i spent all my money then was really poor again.

also.. i started going afk in games. i should have just got off the computer for a while i am sorry.

i understand i am banned, how long until i can play again?

thanks guys.

i try to speak nicely on game more too.

Closed Requests / ATTN: Ganner|| support 4 mcdowny
« on: June 03, 2012, 03:14:07 am »
HI ganner and admins at NA CRPG.

my younger brother just introduced me to CRPG a week ago.

I bought my own copy of the game and have been really enjoying it thoroughly.

Look, we are jokers at heart.. and true noobs... no doubt about it.

Consider that mcdowny spreads the word of crpg and recruits good people into the game and actually has fun playing/encouraging and understanding the mechanics of it all.

I was banned for basically the same thing... Only I was unbanned right away and now I getting a better understanding of the comunity and what they expect.

All i am saying is I was running around as mcdowny for a while making an ass of myself. Anyone who knows me ST_VITUS will agree. I am an ass.

I just think, if an ass like me is unbanned, why is my brother banned?

hes pretty legit guy and only has good things to offer.

please unban him and let this go by.

we were looking forward to playing together tonight.. family time- you know?

Sincerely, ST_VITUS

On behalf of MCDOWNY.

(cmon guys... im no good at math but a day ban is appropriate... did i see a month or a week listed ?)

cRPG Technical problems / ITEM DAMAGES?
« on: June 02, 2012, 08:56:24 am »

i have been playing for a few days now i hardly noticed any repair costs before this.

I have been using moderately expensive items , never did i lose money when I was playing.

I saved up 10k today, just bought new armor and was using my flamberge, when i noticed my money was steadily going down.

my weapon would not repair but every match it said it was being repaired. Basically i lost all my money to this.

then I found out it was a bug and that I had to repair using the website... only by this time I had lost 10000  money and I had no more to repair.. so i had to keep playing naked for 4500 money to repair all my broken items?

whats worse is, they seem to degrade no matter what... I am not wearing them or bringing them into battle and my flamberge went from chipped to unusable?

the fuck is going on?

Closed Requests / :( please unban
« on: June 01, 2012, 10:02:53 am »

i just bought this game .

I team attacked this guy on horse, i had just got a new weapon.

i was warned but every few rounds i do 1 or 2 team attacks i did not know i was going to get banned.

it says there is a limit of 5...

i wont do it again.

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