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Messages - Major_Choppy

Pages: [1]
Closed Requests / Re: [UNBAN] Major_Choppy
« on: June 10, 2012, 05:57:54 am »
I was thinking that the alt-tab issue was what was causing this, but with how infrequently the missing banner glitch occurs I don't usually realize that it's a glitch before something like this happens. I notice when it happens and it causes the team tickets to not display, but this time only some banners were missing.

Thanks all for the responses.


Closed Requests / Re: [UNBAN] Major_Choppy
« on: June 10, 2012, 04:48:30 am »

Thank you for your response and the information about my ban duration. I hope to hear good news soon!


Closed Requests / [UNBAN] Major_Choppy
« on: June 10, 2012, 04:15:22 am »
To whom it may concern:

I was just banned from NA_cRPG_1 without any sort of warning after accidentally team killing someone who appeared as an enemy to me. I claim that he appeared as an enemy to me because on my screen he did not have any banner displaying over his head, which is how my game is configured to distinguish enemies from allies. Additionally, he was running next to an enemy that also did not have a banner over his head, and was attacking my teammates that were properly displaying their banners.

I fully understand that intentional teamkilling is against the rules, and try my best not to swing wildly into team ganks in an effort to avoid even teamwounding. However, in this case, I had no idea that this person was even on my team, nor was I warned for hitting him, punished for team damage, or the teamkill. I was instantly banned mid-sentence explaining and apologizing that his banner was not displaying. I will admit that once I saw that I had teamkilled, I was attempting to be apologetic for my action but was not given an opportunity to do so. It is due to my instantaneous ban without verbal warning/information that I am posting here as I do not have any idea as to the length of my ban duration.

I have not been previously kicked due to teamwounding/teamkilling, nor have I ever been banned for any circumstance. I admit that I have accidentally harmed my teammates during large battles, but never intentionally. Because this was an admin-ban, the ban could range from one hour to permanent, and I do not feel like my behavior warrants a ban. For these reasons, please hear my case and lift my ban as I greatly enjoying playing on the NA1 server where my latency is low and I can actually react to the enemies attacking me!

Thanks for your time,

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