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Messages - joseklos

Pages: [1]
Strategus Issues / Re: No attacking?
« on: June 17, 2012, 03:50:47 pm »
Never mind. I didn't notice I was stuck in a cliff  :lol:

Strategus Issues / Re: No attacking?
« on: June 17, 2012, 05:54:59 am »
Guys for some reason it won't let me enter a town either. It is also changing the action from "entering yalen" to "move" is this because of exhaustion or what?

Strategus Issues / Re: No attacking?
« on: June 16, 2012, 06:27:13 pm »
oh god XD

Strategus Issues / No attacking?
« on: June 16, 2012, 05:43:00 pm »
So I tried attacking someone in strat and it says "attack person 0m" but after a few minutes it says i am just moving and not attacking . I am actually right next to him and we both have 0 recruits but he has lots of goodies!  :twisted:

you know, it isn't easy to fight in a really crowded wall with all the lagging my pc makes sometimes.

cRPG Technical problems / Re: crpg won't start because of error
« on: June 11, 2012, 01:03:53 am »
hehe sorry about that. I guess while I was writing that guy already posted his thread.

cRPG Technical problems / crpg won't start because of error
« on: June 11, 2012, 12:55:42 am »
After my launcher automatically updated, warband  closed in loading screen and it said "unexpected end of file while reading file modules/crpg/mission template txt"

btw I used WSE and I also now get to miss ANOTHER strat battle because of this!!!   :cry:

Strategus General Discussion / new n00b questions
« on: June 06, 2012, 10:20:20 pm »
1) I have heard that you can sell your strat gold to other players for crpg gold. Is it true? how do you do that?

2)when you have an army and then go to battle do your recruits become bots or do you have to hire mercenaries?

3) I have also heard that strat horsies are bugged. What does this bug do and is it ever gonna be fixed?

Announcements / Re: 0.280 released
« on: May 29, 2012, 02:08:34 am »

Strategus General Discussion / n00b question
« on: May 23, 2012, 01:48:02 am »
when you get payed for being a mercenary do you get crpg gold or strat gold?

Pages: [1]