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Messages - sherbs911

Pages: [1]
Closed Requests / UNBANN optic_playa
« on: May 09, 2012, 02:30:22 am »
I was playing EU siege today and left for about 1 min. (I went AFK) I am very new to crpg mount and blade and did not know thats a bad thing to do!  I came back and it was at the server screen and it said I was banned!  I didnt teamkill, leach, troll, or spam!! I thought this was a poll ban but its ben over 10 hours now and I am still banned from ALL EU servers!  I would greatly appreciate an unbann! the player name is optic_playa.  PS.  I dont understand why I was banned or who banned me. (HELP)

Closed Requests / unbann
« on: May 08, 2012, 06:40:55 pm »
I got banned from EU 2 official server.  The reason was because I was AFK.  I was not trolling, teamkilling, or spamming!  I was just away from my keyboard for like 35 secconds.  So someone started a poll to BAN me!!!!!  So, I am banned and I would greatly appreciate an unbann.  I have never been banned before and am relitively new to MnB crpg.  I think banning me was pretty harsh!  A kick would have been fine.  Does anyone know how long this bann lasts?  How or who is in charge of unbanning me?  Like I said I am new to all of this and dont really know what to do! 

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