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Messages - Breidr

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Faction Halls / Re: The Frisian Freedom: Recruiting NA
« on: July 15, 2016, 02:04:44 pm »
Are there going to be boats in Of Kings and Men?

If not, well... Fuck.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: 1H/Shield at 35+
« on: July 29, 2015, 05:52:39 am »
Thanks for the help.  I'm going to retire a few times anyway, so I will try a lot of these builds out.

Currently respecced into a 27/15.  I added on the extra strength because I feel fast enough and the shield rarely breaks, I want to see what 9 Power Strike feels like.  I may balance things out next gen and see what happens.  21/21 seems very solid as well.

Beginner's Help and Guides / 1H/Shield at 35+
« on: July 29, 2015, 05:25:06 am »
Now that EXP and things have changed, I'm unsure how to spend all of my points.  I went with a 21/18 at 33, I may take it to 36 and go 24/18, but that leaves one point hanging.

How do shield builds look in the current game?

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Leg Armor Selection
« on: July 29, 2015, 05:22:16 am »
Rus Splinted Greaves looke pretty sexy with a Kuyak, so I went with those.  Thanks!

Beginner's Help and Guides / Leg Armor Selection
« on: July 25, 2015, 10:55:48 pm »
Leg armor is something I've neglected to look into on my characters.  My 2H character wears Shynbaulds with his Transitional Armor because it matches.  I'm wearing Rus Shoes on my 1H/Shield for the Norse look, but thought maybe I should use something else.

What should I wear on my legs in most situations?  I'm not cavalry, so I went very light to start, but maybe I want more?

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Beginner's Help and Guides / "Sweet Spot" for body armor on a 2Hander
« on: December 02, 2014, 04:16:57 am »
Started an alt recently and got my hands on a MW Longsword.  Joined Krems because is best clan.

I'm looking to invest in some European style armors to match, but I'm not sure just how much is too much.  I would prefer something heraldic, but with so many choices, what's a good loom?  Suggestions on gloves, boots, and helm also appreciated.

Faction Halls / Re: Clan-Searching-Thread
« on: November 16, 2014, 04:01:29 am »
So, revival patch came out, suddenly level is over 9000.  Interested in playing again.  Not sure if old faction is active.  Currently searching for cool banner for my shield that matches my Nordic look.

Will merc for banner.  Strat sucks and is highly confusing.  Only interested in stabbing things.

Over 18, NA, and a shitty shielder.

General Discussion / Re: Upkeep Conspiracy
« on: August 14, 2014, 12:51:23 pm »
I don't even consider valor (broken or not) when determining how much gear I can carry.  Rarely get valor, so it being broken doesn't effect me.  What effects me the most is the [broken] multiplier system and the will of the team balancer.

I'm not exaggerating, really:
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The gold expenditure you see in the beginning is me buying gear for gold and loom points after retiring.  The rest is what I've been playing on for about two weeks.  Mostly even, which is sad, but with a big dip at the end, which prompted me to "complain."
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How can I see people run around in heavy armor or on fast horses indefinitely, but I can barely scrape together some medium armor, a shield, and a decently sharp blade?
What gives?

I'm sorry I'm not LOLPRO, I don't get valor.  I can't ride perma x5.  I'm not part of a huge banner stack that can rule the server either.

I'm just an average player that wants to have some fun, but the more I look into it, the more I feel the system is stacked against new and average players.  The multiplier system is probably the biggest problem.  Either get valor or win the coin flip.

General Discussion / Upkeep Conspiracy
« on: August 14, 2014, 05:50:08 am »
1,679 Upkeep (Max)

Losing gold due to constant 1x Multiplier.
Wear cheaper armor and keep loomed weapon and shield so I can still be effective.

982 Upkeep (Max)

Expensive weapon and shield break every round so gold is still lost.

WTF game, seriously?

Must wear peasant gear to make gold, or get lucky and get on good team for multiplier.

General Discussion / Re: When is next patch? We need valor back
« on: August 14, 2014, 05:40:08 am »
Pls buff 2 Handed in next patch.


Seriously though, just kill the damn "temporary" multiplier system already.  If valor is the only reason people play, so they can "protect" their multiplier from what feels, at least to me, a random system that is hardly rewarding of skill or contribution, but is rather akin to rolling dice at the beginning of each map, something is wrong!

Fix the stick, and stop tweaking the carrot.

EDIT: Did I get infamy for a troll post?  Does that mean I win?

Announcements / Re: cRPG Ingame Feature - what is it you want?
« on: August 03, 2014, 05:39:58 am »
Replace Multiplier 2014

General Discussion / Re: CRPG is indeed dying.
« on: August 02, 2014, 09:09:35 am »
Just play siege like me, noobs.  Problem solved.

BTW its all skill based.  I left the game many times and gave all my looms away.  I still do pretty well because I've played a while.  Starting a player at lv 20 or at lv 1 or even at lv 30 won't change anything.  If you start them with 10 looms or end the grind, it won't help.  They've got to put their time in like everyone else to not suck and feel useful.

At least when you start at lv 1 and suck you have an excuse -- and a hope.  "Don't worry if I'm a scrub now, once I get to lv 30 or get some looms or whatever, then I'll be good."  By the time they actually get lv 30 and/or retire a few times, they have acquired basic skills and don't suck as much.

If they start at lv 30 and have all looms already, just for example, they will still suck and get steamrolled because they are nubs.  And they will have no hope of leveling up or getting better gear, and will quit.

edit: also being low level is fun as hell, and lasts a short time.  On my last gen I got a lv 1 kill on someone with a rondel.  It is one of the highlights of my CRPG career.  If I never got to be lv 1, I would have never experienced this.
Poking knights with a pitchfork
throwing rock after rock after rock, glancing on everything
fleeing the enemy wearing nothing but a straw hat while spamming QQQ!  QQQ!
This is the essence of crpg.  Embrace it.

I'd love to, but NA siege is rarely populated and the outcome is largely determined by the map in most cases.

General Discussion / Re: CRPG is indeed dying.
« on: August 01, 2014, 11:29:35 pm »
Can we at least make it so that players don't have to feed for 20 hours after retiring since looms are a key part of this game?  Ease the progression and make it not based on winning consecutive rounds in a public server (ie: multiplier) and  base it on something a little more tangible and less frustrating to the player.  I'm certain this would destroy a large number of "can't compete" complaints.

To a degree, new players are not going to be able to compete, this is just a fact of experience, and the game is not that conductive to matchmaking or other solutions.  One of the fundamental problems with the mod, at least in my eyes, is the "grind" and dominant game mode.  Low level, unloomed players, some lacking skill, are forced to die and watch others play for a large period of time while their little green bar fills up (slowly due to "random" multiplier).  Leeching does not generate commitment to the mod as I've heard others say.  "sticking it out" as a peasant isn't going to make the higher levels more enjoyable.  It's the same with other MMOs, really.  It all happens at endgame and the rest is just a time sink to get to the fun.

The lower levels need to be made more interesting, and less dependent on the random outcome on public servers.  Multiplier relies too heavily on winning consecutive rounds, and in order for one side to get a high multi, the other side has to sit at 1x.  This just sucks in my opinion.  Give me a reason to contribute and play other than "ticks," it doesn't generate enough reward, and commitment to playing, and frustrates people.  If it didn't, do you think they'd come to the forums?  NO!  They would be playing the damn game!

Give players a reason to play, and not leech while alt-tabbing to browse youtube and whatnot.  I killed someone, reward me for that.  I helped raise the flag, reward me for that. etc.  If that happens, I guarantee you'll see a lot of this disappear.  The problem is the current system feels too random to be fun for players.

I'd also prefer that the dominant game mode have re-spawns to keep players in the fight longer, but that's another issue.  The mod may not be in-fact dying, but I don't see it growing or retaining anyone but veterans under the current system.

My Main right now is a shielder, because it's suits me and me reflex speed.  I may put some throwing in there, might be fun!  If not I'll go back to my basic shielder, it sounds like there are a lot more 2H heroes out there, and I think I'm a better shield bro anyway.

Thanks for the help guys

<3 Daruvian and Frisia


Suggestions Corner / Re: Banner Changes
« on: July 30, 2014, 04:35:52 am »

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