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Messages - Jonte

Pages: [1]
Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Starting an archer...
« on: May 12, 2012, 04:09:01 am »
As a melee weapon if your gonna use a full archery build id highly recommend something blunt as your PS aint gonna be that high.

My next build for gen 2 is gonna have atleast 4 or 5 PS so im gonna roll with a langes messer 2h mode or a fighting axe 2h (may try the mace), but i have no idea how effective it will be as im still a noob.
If you roll with a 1h go with the iberian mace, its just so very good for a low Ps build :)

Im using the rus bow with bodkins and light or medium armor depending on how rich i am.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Solid Builds
« on: May 08, 2012, 08:44:07 pm »
Been doing more number crunching and i cant see how 18/21 is worth it, you get 9 (NINE!) more wpf to archery with 50 melee wpf and 1 more possible athletics (good enuff) but you loose


I cant see how this is worth it, the problem here is that power draw cuts off the lower archery wpf you have so you have to add to the top but thats just crazy expensive and weapon master doesnt do enough to compensate for this. I know im new to the mod but i cant be the only one who see this as a little bit of a problem when building an archer, the penalty for PD should take the cost of increasing archery wpf into account :S

Maybe im just off :D
thanks for your useful info and advice, ill keep practicing and maybe one day ill be master off everything!

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Solid Builds
« on: May 08, 2012, 01:14:29 am »
Oh i can melee well enough, how do i even know if im weapon stunned? any animation to this?

Cus i see a bunch of ppl using katanas and id imagen they can get this to, so i guess light weapons do work?

i dont really need more archery wpf then i had, i can hit very well its just more timing required. (arrows do fly straight even with low wpf just release when the crosshair is at its "peak")
And lastly do we know how much faster wpf increases swing speed?

Edit: iv been spending some time on the duel server using only my 1h iberian mace and training with it, it can work but range is certainly an issue with it and im not really sure how to handle feinters (i do hate people who chainfeint like 18times in a row) and extreme spammers yet. Its been fun but i think a 2h might be a better choise which you didnt answer sorry :)

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Solid Builds
« on: May 08, 2012, 12:38:56 am »
Im making a 2nd gen archer soon and gonna try to refine my 1st gen build, i got some questions regarding my melee weapon.

Right now iv been using Iberian mace with some success but i find i get easily outspammed with only 58 1h wpf so im trying to figure out a way to get some more competence in these situations. I was using a shield until i could grab the 2slot rus bow but i had the same issue, easy to block but i couldnt get a shot in between the spammers strikes.

Im thinking of grabbing about 100 wpf in 2h next gen and running with a langes messer or mace, fighting axe as these are all 1 slot 2h, is this a solid offhand chooise or should i stick with just a 1hander?

Im a bit scared that the langes messer will get weaponstunned if i block with it, but im not to sure how this even works. And i get outspammed with the iberian mace anyway (damn polearms).

Current noob build 1st gen

power strike:6
power draw:6
weapon mastery:6

one hand:59
May run same build but switch some archery wpf for 2h or 1h considering my options OR this. (ofc redistribute the shield points)


power strike:4
power draw:6
weapon mastery:7

two hand:107

Give or take 1 athletics for a PS. But im liking the looks of a modified 18/18 build tbh. not sure what to do.

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