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Messages - Lady Elva

Pages: [1]
I have teamspeak and will join it tomorrow, it's getting late here (0:11)
Thanks a lot :)

Well hello there :D
I'm having troubles finding a way to apply...I'm a bit bad with forums and such...
I should "contact" an veteran member to apply so here I am, reporting for duty. I met some of you already ingame " as char Elva_II" so I hope you accept me :)

PS: Redirect me please to where i should apply if needed xd
PS PS: Pilleke, I will haunt you for the rest of your life :d. I've got a katana, ready to kill

General Discussion / Re: I just wanted to let chadz know...
« on: January 06, 2011, 04:37:57 pm »
I have a lot more satisfaction killing a guy with my bow now. A headshot feels like a headshot and not...meh a headshot, boring :D

General Discussion / Re: Thank you chadz
« on: January 06, 2011, 04:34:25 pm »
Thank you chadz for the great patch :) There are some problems but who cares. Upkeep is going to get lowered (I made 15K upkeep is fine for me) and apparently blue is the new sky :d Anyway, archers feel much better now. I finally don't waste my arrows and start aiming better lol...sometimes it is weird that i can't kill a naked guy with my warbow in his head xd He kept running around swinging his polearm with an arrow in his forehead.

In name of all the non-whiners-about-the-upkeep...Thanks :)

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