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Messages - Dommie

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / All I've Ever Wanted
« on: August 11, 2015, 05:25:31 am »

all I ever wanted was for cRPG to be fun, laggy on occasions where my ISP is shit, and not have my weapons go through somebody's torso and then have my own get hit out of fucking nowhere.

All I dream of is for my ping to go back to my acceptable spot at 60-70, not range from 99-120.

All I want is for cRPG to not be cRPbad.

Pls fix

NA (Official) / Re: [Ban/Warn] Flavius_Acquilus
« on: July 29, 2015, 11:25:39 pm »
Yo, it's been 24 hours my time since I got banned and I'm still banned. Pls unban yo

Edit: nvm I figured out how to change timezone on forums and I got an hour left

General Discussion / Re: Retirement Changes?
« on: June 01, 2012, 12:10:23 am »
What my friend is really trying to ask is: what happens after the most recent update after you retire? Do you keep your gold, items, an heirloom point, any stats? Do you get something other than an heirloom point?

Sorry if he didn't make it clear enough, even I made fun of him for it.

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