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Messages - Sanxus

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Today playing on EU1, I be like: "Great Sword stopped me?" Maybe it is a way out in some way to balance, but the problem with "OP cav" is that many players don't look around. But when they do, u fckd, cuz damn bastard sword (101 reach) can rear...

But, if the yolo stab would be in some way nerfed, then why not, but the problem still is the swagy thrust that u can turn 180 degree and rear, especialy on strat battles it's fckd up.

// Who da faa... edited my post in this way? And why? Stupid badmins...

Strategus General Discussion / What about ticket ratio?
« on: February 17, 2014, 03:03:56 pm »
Mayby silly question, but in Poland we say: One who is asking, will not lose his way (sorta). So I ask: Is there a new strategus tickets gain ratio? Cuz I've played for some time yesterday, few maps passed, and I still have few troops. Hoped for more. I know u gain 1 troop per hour, and u need tickets for it, but is it 1 tick = 1 troop? How do u gain tickets? People say, that u gain 1 tick per minute on higher multi that x1. But thats not true apparently, but it's applying to gold tho.

Closed Requests / Banned from strat battle by enemy team.
« on: December 19, 2013, 10:51:33 pm »
1. Name of your character involved

2. Name of offending character(s)
Dunno, some guy from Ni "Knights"
@Edit: players who witnessed say:  Bethrezen_Knight_who_says_Ni

3. Time and server, as accurately as possible
About 22:25 UTC +1, EU3 during Strategus Battle [Thu 22:05 - The Kalmar Union vs. Knights_Who_say_Ni]

4. Written description of what happened, the whole story. Also what happened before and after.
My side had no horseback polearm weapon instead of Long Hafted Spiked Mace. I started to use Long Spear to have some fun. After few minutes, someone made poll to kick. I stopped my behaviour and played with, not against rules. Got kicked. I returned on the server, someone said "Why to make kick poll, when you can ban". Guess what? Someone listened to this shitty idea, and I got banned for the crime I was already punished for. I wasn't using any wrong weapon. I managed to spawn one time and pick up longsword and tried to use it in polearm mode.

5. Why you think the offender did what he did.*
Dunno, to fell the power in his hands? To get rid of player in other team for the crime I was no longer commiting?

6. Multiple Screenshots
I don't have those, but look at the 7th point of the proper BAN REQUEST FORM.

7. Names of players who witnessed what happened.**
Whole list? Ok.
(click to show/hide)
~ The list can have some players that haven't noticed the event cuz of absence.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Lolstab - beyond the over power
« on: December 06, 2013, 11:01:28 pm »
I'm not talking about duel or shit like this (cuz pike is definitely not the weapon for it), but particularly bout strat where you got pierced by shitload of pikes at one second and can't do a shit. Maybe immobilizing is bad, but at least make it real enough and slow the movement down. Not the weapon speed, but character spin.

PS: so much hate ;_;

Game Balance Discussion / Lolstab - beyond the over power
« on: December 06, 2013, 09:23:17 pm »
Alright, it started to annoy me very hard. Once I was happy, I lived in my hood, I was riding on mah pony all day everyday, coudn't stop it. But then, they stopped it! They ruined everything! LOLSTABERS! Pike, awlpike, long spear, or just a pitch fork. Those suckers can stab your horse from a side, and then swing their weapon like it weighs nothing and stop it like stabing from front. Ya all know what I'm talking about! U can't hide it!

Here is my fascinating, and brilliant and original idea. Make it impossible to move your weapon while making stab. For example, with pike you can stab a man standing like 4 meters away cuz of it's range, but you can also kill someone standing next to you, no matter it has 3 meters and weighs 3 kilos (or whatever the units are) but you still are able to stab the air and then swing that shit into your oponent. The same, but worse is with awlpike - faster and more deadly - lolstab is why it's the way it is. Without it knitler would be just a little prick normal player :P ;).
It affects 2h and 1h aswell, spamwhores with 1h lolstab wouldn't be OP, also that would make rondel dagger less annoying.

@haters: don't give me more infamy than I deserve just cuz I want to make this game playable...

I made alt named Litovskij Cekhauz what means something like Lithuanian Armoury. I got him on 15 lvl and transfered all weapons not relied to my build on it. Don't use STF (skip da fun) or new char. lower than 15 cuz you can't send items back. But still it sucks. I have like 140 items, all weapons other than polearm I transfered, but with all those armors I have I still can miss like staff, spear, or fkn masterworks...

General Off Topic / Re: Basketball
« on: November 22, 2013, 03:10:40 pm »
You muslim mad or wat? Mah nigga Vlad and I r working out like devils to increase our vertical jump, this far we can touch full size basket. Few moar weeks of hard work and we'll be like Jebron Lames Lebron James!

NA (Official) / Re: Ban Arcadeus and Sup_Homie
« on: November 17, 2013, 01:18:14 pm »
Ban those two, I was there too.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Mail coif model
« on: November 13, 2013, 09:54:40 am »
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Ok, you win...

This Mail coif
(click to show/hide)
is in game files already (Dejawolf pack).

Yeah, looks totaly like this one:
(click to show/hide)

But those other helmets of faceplate type are ugly, the visiors especially. But all of them have the same coif beneath. Still for me it's too dark mail. Those various mail colours suck, can't get more set's if you don't want to look like a clown...

Other / Re: Ban Marshal_Sanxus_of_Lithuania
« on: November 12, 2013, 05:30:11 pm »

Suggestions Corner / Mail coif model
« on: November 12, 2013, 03:19:10 pm »
In my and others opinion, current model of mail coif suck ballz.
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It's ugly and weird. It looks like... well, nothing looks this bad at c-rpg (besides eastern sets :P).

IMHO it should at least look like this:
(click to show/hide)

Or like this, with chin protection:
(click to show/hide)

But it would be even better to add each as separate item, lighter and heavier mail coifs. What does community think?

Other / Re: Ban Marshal_Sanxus_of_Lithuania
« on: November 11, 2013, 03:30:11 pm »
Does it justify you? What was the purpose of shooting at me, with one bot against me? Would it help? If I'd die other guys could kill him, but it was you who killed me, and left our defence with 1 of 2 tincans to save our beloved viscount who once was virgin. Sad story :cry:.

Other / Re: Ban Marshal_Sanxus_of_Lithuania
« on: November 11, 2013, 03:17:26 pm »
Useless archer. We were fighting rohirik riders, 2nd round, I was on a horse fighting with them, when she shot and killed my horse in middle of like 3 last enemies. I allmost died cuz of it, but i managed to kill 2 of them, and then when I was fighting with last guy she shot me again and teamKILLED me (not just teamhitted). When next wave came we lost, cuz me and one Stormgarde guy were only heavy armed guys, me dead, he alone an some peasant's from our team, just guess what happened with viscount... Sorry, got raged for this, but haven't made any request's for bans, I ain't that level, already told ya in other topic.

Read also this:!/
Dunno is this for other servers, or only EU, but I think it should look like this.

Closed Requests / Re: Ban Sanxus_Stornk...
« on: November 02, 2013, 10:10:42 pm »
Hm, yeah, sure ban me for 1 th. But don't ban THEM (Joannits) for mass mocking me and friends, for th many, many times... I don't make screenshot's cuz I'll not talk down to thier level of intellect and am not offended by any th from those guys. If I were, I would probably be depressed.

Also, it's not the first time that he got banned ...

What afk is to do with th? I'm not leeching anymore, mine and Vlad example (ban 'til december) teached me not to do it anymore, srsly.

General Discussion / Re: Your best trades
« on: October 30, 2013, 02:23:31 pm »
Sanxus u should conntact with guy who gave u heirloom and speak with him.

Yeah, already did that.

About first trade. He just gave me that gold, and few days, maybe weeks later he asked me for trade troops/gold. So first trade was did on purpose, no mistake and "ripping new players" (aka butthurt :P).

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