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Messages - TehPettah

Pages: [1]
The dude abides. I'll try not to piss on any carpets, especially not the ones that really tie rooms together.

Posting by request as well.

Why do you want to join Fuck It Dude, Let's Go Bowling?
I was asked whether or not I wanted to join, and joining a clan seems like a great idea to get to know people. I'd love to have some connections to established people so I can learn a few tricks, as I've never played this game any more serious than the occasional arena brawl with friends during LAN sessions. Reachmoor joining is also a reason, as it makes sense for us to join the same clan, considering we started playing C-rpg together, and often play together. Also, you seem like a nice guy, and the fact that I love the movie doesn't really hurt either.

What is your current build?
My build is roughly as thorough and planned as Reachmoor's is, I chuck points wherever and try to kill people. Most of my experience comes from singleplayer, so I'm nearly starting out blank. Prefer lancing though, and occasional archery.

12str, 8 agi
45 1h / 87 Polearm
4 IF, 4 Power Strike, 1 shield, 2 athletics, 2 riding, 2 Weapon Master

What generation is your main?
1, level 14, I think.

How old are you?

Are you able to shut up and listen to instructions during battles?
I am, yes. I don't have any real experience in leading in online games, but I have a lot in following.

When are you active on cRPG/Strategus?
Whenever, really. Same as Reachmoor here, I play when I play, but I can easily schedule some Strategus time at almost any time.

Where are you based in the world (NA/EU)?
EU, Norway.

Do you have Teamspeak and a microphone?
I have an acceptable microphone, might upgrade to a better one soon, due the sound in my old headset being long gone, with just the mic functioning now. As for voice communication, I have Teamspeak, Skype, Ventrilo, Mumble, and Dolby Axon, and would be willing to download any other (assuming there even are decent ones I don't have yet) should it be needed.

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