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Messages - Gloria_Deo

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Best class to play with 100+ ping
« on: December 08, 2012, 05:48:22 pm »
I play with minimum 330 ping on EU, 250 on NA.

I agree with the others on here. Go ranged, shielder, etc. My main character was a shielder and it worked well (could survive much longer and I felt more useful in flag defence/captures).

Just to share something else for reference.
Current build: 18/21, 2H
Supporting player in all situations. Once in a while I go chase after naked people for the lolz.

Experience: Frustrating but fun. If I play for ego, I would not last a single round. But the mod has amazing game mechanics and variations(weapons/armour), it is addictive and enjoyable.

Observation: No data to back it up,  purely on observation. Hitting and blocking is "hit-and-miss". The outcome is not congruent with what my animation is telling me. Sometimes it may look like I have executed a good block, but I still die. It seems like my killer is in another position that my animation is not showing. Majority of the time, my weapon just cut through people without any effect. However, it is still playable with some common sense and patience. There is almost zero chance facing a good duelist who use feigns and good footwork.

cRPG Technical problems / Re: Error - Connection to Server is Lost
« on: October 07, 2012, 04:25:18 pm »
I've always had this issue for a very long time, but it hadn't happened again for ages, until now.

I was playing on HRE server, got disconnected and, when attempting to rejoin the server, got that message - your profile name is being used by another player - until several seconds later, when I could finally join the server.

Now, the peculiar thing about this time is that it came alongside error lines.

(click to show/hide)

Just want to drop in and say it is exactly the same for me. Only happened for the past 1 day.

No connectivity issues for all other programs.

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