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Messages - problemsir

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NA (Official) / Re: Ban Request for Jrdi
« on: February 06, 2015, 08:39:38 am »
I didn't TK him on purpose?  I shot at someone and hit him by accident.  Happens all the time with ranged and melee alike, TKing that is.  If it was intentional I'm sure I would have had some witty smart ass remark to say afterwards, but I didn't?  And I shot you in the head for nudging me?  Don't think so.  Besides I'm pretty sure nudging an archer while they are shooting therefore knocking them down, over and over again, counts as griefing.
Actually, when I nudged you I didnt even knock you down. there was like a couple people left on the enemy team and I was just nudging you because why not.I also vividly remember you headshotting me when the next round started.And just because you dont have a "witty smart ass remark" to say afterwards doesnt make you innocent.

NA (Official) / Re: Ban Request for Jrdi
« on: February 05, 2015, 06:07:26 am »
Lol if there are rules set in place to keep people from being pricks why did you even bother TKing him on purpose instead of just posting on here immediately? Not to mention all I did was nudge you a couple of times and you headshotted me. Like really, don't be such a prick, heh.

NA (Official) / Re: Ban Request for Jrdi
« on: February 03, 2015, 07:55:03 pm »
The more you talk the more retarded you sound. The TKing only started off because you shot him multiple times, of course he would get frustrated. How about you grow a pair of balls and don't be so fucking mad you child.

Edit: Also, good job filling out that ban request form you dumbo. (The joke here is that you didn't)

NA (Official) / Re: Ban Request for Jrdi
« on: February 02, 2015, 09:30:53 pm »
Well maybe if you didnt shoot him multiple times he wouldnt have been salty. Also, your toxic attitude can be very provoking.

General Discussion / A skip the fun bug, or feature?
« on: December 10, 2014, 02:28:47 am »
I recently discovered that after deleting one of my skip the fun characters and remaking him, that he retained all or part of the experience he gained while in skip the fun mode. I don't know if this is intended or not, or if it has been found by anyone other than me.

General Discussion / Re: Post a picture describing your playstyle.
« on: March 02, 2013, 09:07:28 am »
visitors can't see pics , please register or login

visitors can't see pics , please register or login

General Discussion / Shield body armour
« on: December 08, 2012, 08:20:04 am »
I've noticed on the website that shields give body armour. My friend and I are wondering how this works. Does the body armour apply always, does it only apply when the shield is on your back, does it apply when you are only blocking and someone somehow manages to hit you while blocking? How does the shield body armour work?

General Discussion / Re: The winter of my discontent
« on: November 29, 2012, 07:09:49 am »
A higher level cap would be neat, but they would need to add initiative to go past level, say, 33 (retiring at level 33 = adkfajweklgjaklwjhkasdjg) aside from going "HAVE MORE HEIRLOOM POINTS".

What I meant by a higher level cap was make it easier to level up in the beginning and late stages and, well, raise the cap.

General Discussion / The winter of my discontent
« on: November 29, 2012, 06:09:31 am »
 and the infamous!-nerf-ranged/

I have been lurking this forum for a while now, restraining myself from making too many remarks and embarrassing complaints. While I don't think I can make too much of an impact on what the developers want to do with this game, I still want to try. (Btw, sorry if this belongs in the suggestion corner.)

Archery. One of the only things on people's minds when they think about balance. This one class has been the "root of all misery" recently, what with kiting, and the recent archery nerfs. What I'm trying to do with this thread, is sort out every single GOOD idea from the bad ones, using every balance-related thread I can fish up. I'll get to the point. Kiting, how do we fix it? It certainly wasn't fixed in the latest patch. I've sifted through a couple suggestions made in other threads, and it seems to me that everyone seems to be okay with the idea that archers shouldnt be able to move quickly with their bow. Along with this nerf though, archers should gain more power, so that they dont go QQing because they cant kite anymore, which I'm sure they would do. Archer's melee should also be buffed, so that archers actually have the option to turn around and fight instead of gay kiting.

Other sources of discontent

Upkeep: While others may see problems with this system, I do not. Some may argue that this system restricts certain item builds and makes them unbalanced when they are actually used. Removing upkeep is not the answer, it would be unreasonable for new players as they would constantly be fighting fully armour tincans or horn/longbow archers.

Higher level cap (increased game speed): We all know that crpg is slow. This is probably one of the most viable ways of increasing game speed. While this would also make the game somewhat unreasonable for new players, they would but need to play only somewhat to stand a chance. This would also be a chance to see some interesting hybrids.

Team Balancing: This is an obvious problem. I have found myself constantly on the recieving end of a 100% unbalanced team. Not only that, but the current balancing system is fucking bullshit in and of itself. Numerous times my friend and I(BFU_adriana/Dommie), have found eachother teamswitched, and the result of the teamswitch was the EXACT SAME TEAMS BEFORE THE TEAMSWITCH. this is preposterous.

Well, that was my short rant on the current going-ons of Crpg.

(click to show/hide)

General Discussion / Re: Votable titles !
« on: October 25, 2012, 07:55:58 am »
Count me in! I'm interested in the creativity of the player pool of this game. Although, from what I can see, I don't know if I would like the outcome.

cRPG Technical problems / Re: Na rageball
« on: October 21, 2012, 10:03:59 am »

I am also highly interested as to what happened to the rageball servers.  It just so happens that I created one of those threads and posted in the other. Luckily, I was online at one point last week when the rageball server went up for a SHORT amount of time, although no one was even playing on the server.

I would very appreciate an announcement from the devs or admins concerning what has happened to rageball.

General Discussion / Re: What happened to the Soccer game mode?
« on: October 13, 2012, 06:07:58 am »
It wasn't called Soccer, but something else which I can't remember. Anyway, I really miss this game mode, and it was disappointing to not see it in any of the C-RPG servers anymore. In my opinion, it was the most fun to be had in C-RPG. So what happened?

I posted a similar thread which you can find here   
I didn't get any solid answers though, only theories. BTW, the gamemode is called rageball.

General Discussion / Re: There can be only one!!
« on: October 10, 2012, 05:37:11 am »
I shall award a +1 to anyone in this thread who voices his or her opinion on this most serious of matters.

Discuss and be merry.

~ King Tears of Destiny.

You are naive if you believe a mere +1 shall be enough to convince me to voice my opinion.... wait... I just did... Well I'll take it!

General Discussion / Rageball.
« on: October 10, 2012, 12:51:29 am »
Okay, is it just me, or are the rageball servers NEVER up? I've been fairly active in C-rpg for the past couple of months, and have always loved rageball. Although the "server" tab in the tavern always shows the rageball servers as online, whenever I go ingame, the servers are never up. Is this a problem with my game? Sorry if this is the wrong board, I just dont think this is  really a technical issue...

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