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Messages - BM BuLLDog

Pages: [1]
EU (Official) / Poll abuse on EU3
« on: July 08, 2014, 08:04:19 am »
1.Name of your character involved-BuLLDoG_Majoe
2.Name of offending character(s)- Queen_Auphilia_of_Krea, Mistress_SonSon, other Queensguards online.
3.Time and server, as accurately as possible- EU 3, ~7:48 AM
4.Written description of what happened, the whole story.  Also what happened before and after. Icame on server to duel.
They are making pictures for there forum..
Then one of them duel me. I won ok...1min later they ban polled me,with the whole clan having like 9/10 of the server population.
5. Why you think the offender did what he did.*- Poll Abuse to take over server so that their clan could make pictures.
6. I donĀ“t have screens.. banpoll->3 sek->ban :mad: :mad: :evil:

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