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Messages - KimJongVader

Pages: [1]
Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Archer Build Questions
« on: March 31, 2012, 07:39:48 pm »
Thanks for the info and build suggestion.  I never thought to take 0 athletics and so much weapon master.  Interesting build but I already took 3 athletics and hate to restart.  I might do it though.  I kinda like the idea of being highly mobile.  Any high athletics archers have an opinion on this?  Does athletics help you survive/is it worth it? 

Beginner's Help and Guides / Archer Build Questions
« on: March 31, 2012, 06:39:20 pm »
Thanks for reading!

So im very new and still trying to learn the character build mechanics of the game from reading online.  My main question is as follows...

When making an archer character is it best to just max out archery and take no melee or is it a waste to use points at a high level with such low return? Basically ive used the character builder to make my guy to level 31 and this is what I came up with.  Any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated. 



158 archery

I was thinking of droping the archery down to 128 and taking 106 in a melee weapon but i dont want to gimp my range attack significantly if i do so.  I already have a dedicated 2h melee char so I want this guy to be as pure an archer as possible but it would be nice to have a little melee for versatility.  Also, does taking 106 in melee without power strike a waste? 

Thanks in advance!

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