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Messages - lazypeon

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Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Str based archer.
« on: February 13, 2011, 02:03:34 am »
according to me you'll lose around 14% dmg on your PD. since warbow req is 6 and i've tested and only the 4points above Bow req gives the bonus.
I doubt it will be a signifficant amount of dmg (around 4.9dmg).

There's so much info unknown for this game it hard to advice a build, you should go for it and decide what you should improve the next time you retire.
I find it hard to decide if 139wpp is that much better than 130wpp since no info about the actual numbers
Ofcourse the added agility has the advantage of speeding your attacks up.
Myself i'm going for the 3 extra strength to maximize the bonus since i don't know what the +9 wpp would improve and doubt it will be more than (4.9dmg) and i got used to the 130wpp my last build  :D

But well as most people would say or won't say. go for it and tell us your findings you can always retire if you don't like it anyway ;)

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Str based archer.
« on: February 12, 2011, 05:20:53 pm »
I use "Ragged Outfit" weight 3.5 / body armor 23 / leg armor 9
I always thought i needed to be below "weight 5" in total from equipment to not have WPP penalty.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Str based archer.
« on: February 12, 2011, 05:03:56 pm »
My build

Str 33
Agi 9


Archery: 130

The build is kinda messed up should only have taken 30str. since PD = 14% dmg (4 above bow req)
It's very slow and when you need to melee it is horrible , but i still get decent kills with it and the aim isn't bad.
If I only knew how the dmg was calculated since i don't really 2 shot alot of people but well peasants i can sometimes one shot but think the more agi based archers can do that also.

PD =+14% (4 above bowreq) i don't know if it's also the 6PD or only 14% for every point OVER bowreq.
Anyway i two-shot most non-mail horses but hard to say since speed is a factor also.

If you got time and are willing to make a build like it go ahead but you won't 2-shot alot of people.
Players mostly have around 40 armor meaning -40dmg of your shot (say average player 50hp) means you need to do 65dmg to 2-shot Them and i don't think that attainable unless you have triple heirloomed gear.

Anyway goodluck
(if anyone knows what exactly WPP does for archery let me know since i don't have a clue. (dmg+speed+accuracy) seems to me my aim isn't that bad anyway the dmg is mostly a fraction and speed well that could be correct cause i'm slow but that's also because i don't have agility.)

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