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Messages - SockpuppetSamurai

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I normally refrain from pressing 1 in these polls because there is such a double standard that it sickens me. I do know of a few times dealing with you specifically that I have voted yes, not because you're left riding around on your pony after everyone else is dead but because of how poorly you treat others in this game. This goes for a few of your clan mates and others as well.

I've noticed a huge double standard when it comes to this. I've played countless games where a large clan hx character repeatedly was the last person alive and delayed like no other. Comments in chat were, "he's playing his class". On other occasions a thrower of another large clan was repeatedly the last one alive and delaying against 10+ opponents but no warnings were ever issued. These examples happened over a the course of days and at different times.

Wanting to test my theory that "popularity" has a play in delay bans I created a non-recognizable STF character and intentionally delayed on separate occasions. The immediate result was an outcry from the player base to "ban he" and other complaints about delaying followed by warnings from the admins even though I was playing exactly as the others who delayed on a regular basis and had kills. I did not press any further fearing an account ban.

Mystery solved. That will teach me to be a cheap bastard and purchase from cdkeywhorehouse. Anyway, thank you for your time in this matter. I will be activating my newly purchased legit game and starting anew. Now I must go shower, I feel dirty, very dirty.

Characters names are ?

The three that are not mine are:
hePPaRoque, RolletheBAD, and Roque

I think if you could also tell the admin where you bought your copy of the game/key from it would help since this sort of thing has been happening alot lately as far as I can tell.
I don't remember, it was a digital version that I bought quite a few years ago and had put the game away until I recently purchased F&S off of Amazon, puked, and then installed warband again when I discovered this mod.

Edit#2 After reading a few posts with similar problems to mine I decided to purchase a new copy from Amazon. It sounds like this is a problem with "purchased keys" which is unlikely but I cannot rule it out as I have purchased a few games from shady dealers in the past. This leads me to only one question. Is it possible to transfer my characters to a new account safely?

I was just recently playing on NA #1 when I was randomly kicked from the server. I rejoined and was kicked again. After rejoining again I asked the admin, he said he was not kicking me. I then was kicked again and again. I then could not log into my account page due to a wrong PW. I joined a server and reset the PW. When I logged into my account I noticed three level 1 characters on my account that were not mine. Thinking it might just have been a bug I joined a server and then was immediately kicked and then banned from the server! 

Any help would be appreciated thanks!

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: A good polearm to use with a shield?
« on: April 12, 2012, 11:16:11 pm »
Like yourself, I am fairly new and leveling a hoplite character (currently level 27), and I still haven't found a spear that I am comfortable with. I've tried all of the spears, the ashwood pike, and the double sided lance but overall I've used the war spear the most.

I found the Ashwood pike's range to be too much for my playstyle. I kept failing at keeping people at the longer range and soon found the single attack direction a hindrance once I was able to drop my shield. On the flip side the shorter double sided lance (and the 150 range spears to an extent), allowed opponents to easily get in and "face-hug" me rendering my stab useless. Besides backpedaling the only option you have at this point is to switch to 2h which is impossible without getting hit when you are getting spammed by two-handers. I'm currently testing the shortened spear which is amazingly fast compared to the 95 speed warspear but has a much shorter range (120) and less of a punch. Next I'm going to try the battlefork, while it doesn't have the look or the speed that I want it's length looks ideal for me and the thrust and swing damage are both impressive.

What I have found:
- Do not expect to get a lot of kills. This can be frustrating and the current scoring method often makes it embarrassing.
- The spear thrust can easily be held off and rendered useless by your opponent holding a downblock while they close in on you.
- The speed penalty from using a shield makes reacting to a dropped downblock in time to get a hit nearly impossible. (This is bad mechanics in my opinion).
- Try to use your spear as a two-handed weapon as much as possible. This really does defeat the purpose of a hoplite character and requires you to learn manual blocking, but is the only option you have against opponents holding a downblock or spamming you with a stupid fast two-hander.
- Get your shield skill up to 5 and use a huscarl or similar beefy shield. I found that far too often the weaker or less skill intensive shields were easily broken and then I became a pincushion.
- As others have mentioned, you won't do well in 1vs1 situations with your shield unless you put enough points into one handed weapons to use them effectively. On that note, you are limited to using a 0 slot weapon or smaller shield since the huscarl and other heavier shields use 2 slots and the spears take up the remaining 2 slots.
- Hoplite looking armor does not exist :(
- Teamwork is needed to really make hoplites effective without this you're left in a "supporting" role which means that you wound dozens of players and others kill them or you steal kills from players who were probably doing fine on their own.
     On that thought, it would be great to have a scoring system that wasn't purely based on K/D ratio. Kill assist points like in BF3 where you get an amount of points equal to how much damage you did on an opponent would be great.

Final thought: Even though I would consider the Hoplite less effective and harder to play than other "classes" I am having the most fun so far. I often aid archers with my shield and pokey stick and participate in making shield walls that usually are not taken advantage of but it adds a little to the game.

General Discussion / Re: BADPLAYERheavyLance Productions
« on: April 07, 2012, 05:27:18 pm »
it was a joke

Well, it appears that I have been successfully trolled. Well done, [golfclap]  :P

General Discussion / Re: BADPLAYERheavyLance Productions
« on: April 07, 2012, 11:59:26 am »
Constructive criticism:
- The Top Gun clips really didn't mesh well with the horse and pokey stick against infantry. The clips were all of dogfighting which may have worked had you been chasing and fighting other cavalry, sort of a medieval dogfight. I think bowling clips would have worked much better and would have added a bit of humor.
- You may want to consider cutting back on the length of inserted clips. The Top Gun clips stole focus from the cRPG video mainly due to their length. I found myself watching Top Gun with some distracting horseplay thrown in.
- The music was sort of all over. I suggest picking a genre of music and sticking with that type throughout the video, some exceptions apply of course, and stay clear of heavy/death metal.
- Try chosing music that fits the feel of what you are trying to portray. For example: The above mentioned cavalry chase would have worked well with the Top Gun theme, Lady Gaga not so much.
-  I got distracted by your typing and throwing in "fucking bullshit" because you got handled in melee was pretty much showing your ass.

Overall, not that great, but I do hope you will continue to make more.

After watching this I don't understand the appeal of playing cav, easymode might be an understatement.
I now know why I get bumped by friendly cav so much. Heroic knight on horseback sees squishy peasant and immediately gets tunnel vision, no fucks are given to friendlys in his path.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Archer Tips?
« on: April 02, 2012, 10:27:21 pm »
Thank you Rumblood for the clarification of the speed. I wasn't aware that the lower speed meant less damage in most situations, perhaps it's best used on horseback?

Is it normal to have to aim high even at extreme close range? I've found this to be the case with all of the bows.
(click to show/hide)

I'm finding that I can't see my projectile at ranges which makes adjusting aim guesswork, is this normal?
I'm using Realistic Colors and the alternative crosshair mods, could this be the reason?

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Archer Tips?
« on: April 02, 2012, 07:03:52 pm »
Lots of good tips in this thread so I figured I might as well throw my questions in here. I have read the other threads and guides but I am still in the dark a bit with the number crunching.
Is there a reason the Yumi bow is seldom used? I started toying with an archer and It seems to me that the Yumi performs better than the Horn bow. Is there a big difference between 150 and 165 WPF? If I go with 150 I can put 90 into one-handed and then 3 into PS instead of IF. I figure 6 extra hp really isn't going to make too much of a difference. At what point does armor begin to affect accuracy? I like the look and protection of Lamellar but it does have a noticeable affect on movement speed.

Edit: According to the cRPG Calculator the Lamellar armor does incur a 5-6 WPF point penalty in addition to slower movement. In order to keep  a neutral modifier my body armor would have to be 6kg or lighter. Is armor this light worth wearing?

General Discussion / Re: The financial struggle of new players.
« on: April 02, 2012, 05:18:21 pm »
Thanks for all of those with helpful tips. Something I should have mentioned earlier is that I am not in plate or a "high-end" armor I am currently wearing the Byrnja, (may be misspelled), a nordic footman's helmet and carrying a broad short sword, which is a bit expensive along with a heater shield. I have purchased other equipment to try out, but those have been sold back. The real issue I suppose, is the fact that I am getting charged upkeep nearly every round. I have gone a few rounds in a row with little or no upkeep but then "BAM" I get hit with a very large upkeep for multiple games in a row. I've dropped my gear down to basic leather and sword for quite some time in order to stockpile a bit of gold but I know that I am not helping my team in any way which bothers me probably more than it should. It seems that I may have a bit of bad luck with team placement having recently lost 12 games in a row at 1x and then finally getting to 3x for one game. Overall, I am loving this mod and am addicted to it so much that one of my Eve accounts went two days with an empty training que. :P

Thanks again to those with the constructive replys.

General Discussion / The financial struggle of new players.
« on: April 02, 2012, 04:04:35 am »
As a new player I was stoked to have finally saved up enough gold to buy a weapon that wasn't a shoddy noob sword and a suit of armor that helped absorb some of the teamwounding that I seem to receive on a regular basis. I was horrified after the first game when I was docked nearly 1,500 gold for upkeep, more than half of the gold I currently had left. I thought to myself, this is just chanced based and most likely wouldn't happen again for a while, right? It turns out, I was wrong. The second game wearing the same gear I was hit for almost the same amount as the first game emptying my coin purse of all gold except for 37. I was devastated, all of my hard earned gold had been depleted on upkeep costs for my new gear. Now the common answer to this seems to be peasant gear, which really is not a solid solution to the problem that newer players face with upkeep. The second answer seems to be to sell your first heirloom point. This answer of course does not help with trudging through the first painful 31 levels.

At first I thought that the upkeep was needed to keep everyone from using the best gear they could afford at all times. Now I see that it really only hinders newer players. The reason for this is that many of the veteran players have a fairly large amount of gold at their disposal so the upkeep may affect them but to a lesser extent. They can continue wearing higher priced gear and continue paying the higher upkeep due to having the larger amount of gold. The result of this is that the newer players with the less skill, lower levels, and mediocre to low gear are even more of an easy target and for the most part, "cannon fodder".

Is it possible to reduce the amount of upkeep for first generation players so that we can remain semi-competitive until our skills improve?
Is it a bug that I incur upkeep nearly every game, most of which are very large and teetering on the verge of being obscene?

General Discussion / Re: State of the NA Community
« on: March 31, 2012, 03:20:52 am »
New here, I've only been playing for about a week so take that into account when I say that the EU battle server seems to be more team oriented and the chat seems to be less childish. I put the NA server chat in the same category as 4Chan, which means that for the most part it would appear that people simply dump a bucket of stupid all over their keyboard and try to get a rise out of others with what comes out on the screen.

Now I'm not a prude in any sense of the word, I sling my fair share of off colored jokes and offensive humor at close friends and certain family members but refrain from tossing it into a chat window where it very well could offend others. Furthermore, and this isn't limited to the NA servers, many of the character names are outright childish and  ridiculous, Flying_Dildos, MenstrualMonsoon***, the hymn ripper, whoresman, Rape... The list continues and this is just from the game I am currently in. I'm just going to reiterate the similarities of Crpg chat/names and 4Chan, the scum of the internet before I leave this here.

General Discussion / Re: We need a no cav server.
« on: March 27, 2012, 10:13:37 pm »
I think a great fix would be to add damage to the lance/spear/bigeffingstick that skewers people in mass quantity's. Maybe like a 50% chance that the stick will break when hitting an opponent. Everybody wins, Cav gets to use their pokey sticks but not slaughter half the team with one lance/deathstick. Real lances broke all of the time anyway, not sure why this isn't in the game.

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