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Messages - Bonethor

Pages: [1]
Closed Requests / Re: Ban Request - Bonethor
« on: March 17, 2012, 11:03:07 pm »
Okay guy. Listen up. Horsekilling IS in fact teamkilling/wounding. Thats like if youre a shielder and I crush your shield with my GLA, while I'm on the same team. You got a shieldbuild, so you need that shield. Cav-Players got a Cav-Build so they need their horse. CaveSquirrel (CotgS_Ayween) is a good player (most times in the top 5 of his team) when hes on his Horse. So killing his horse does damage to the whole team. You practically killed a valuable member of your team. What is bannable.

Since CaveSquirrel's horse is not the only one you killed you must really be jealous of horses because they got a bigger thing between their legs than you have. I feel sorry for you for that fact, but you deserve the ban. Usually I would say for 7 days but I am a reasonable person and would suggest a ban for 3 days, unless you stop trying to talk your way out and start being sorry for the shit youve produced.

Quite rude, I'm not trying to talk my way out of anything I admitted the situation straight up and even said sorry if it hurt her fragile ego. Besides since it was siege and I quite often spend my time in the said top 5 I'd even be oh so bold and say I was worth more to the team than she.

I never said hitting horses wasn't teamhitting, instead I said "killing a horse isn't tking because horses aren't people". The 2nd poster wasn't too accurate with his quote. Besides, one should only post in this thread if they can add something productive, unfortunately your post doesn't apply.

Closed Requests / Re: Ban Request - Bonethor
« on: March 17, 2012, 09:24:12 pm »
I don't really see why you're so butt-hurt over losing your horse, the whole deal just seems to be out of context. If I had reported everyone in similar situations there would be a dozen requests here. Since this seems to have actually hurt your feelings I'll say that I'm sorry and wish you'd quit with the insults.

In-game: Bonethor
IRL age: 24
Location: Finland
Style of play: Heavy 2h weapon (morningstar atm) + crossbow
Experience in Strategus: Been rolling around it, haven't fought any battles.
Generation: 1, 180k till 2nd loom
Why your clan?: I've seen plenty of you guys playing and most seem to be nice people and I've had one nemesis (Adal) in your clan as well so it should be fun. Also the equipment restrictions seem to be ok.

Closed Requests / Re: Ban Request - Bonethor
« on: March 17, 2012, 08:13:32 pm »
I admit to killing your (CotgS_Ayween) horse yes, but it was in the way. If I hurt you in the process that was not my intention.

The other horse I killed earlier in the map belonged to a guy (Praetorian_Godfrey) who was stuck with the horse, I freed him from his horse so he could participate in the fight instead of leeching the round.

Other than that I didn't teamhit anybody nor did I teamkill anybody. The latter guy I mentioned did TK me intentionally though.

Some 3rd guy (Legioonalainen) joined in on the fun and started saying I was threatening him in Finnish and going to "rape his mom and cut off his dick" while that is a blatant lie. I didn't call anyone any names either and acted decently the whole time.

Here's a screenshot of some of the action:

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