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Messages - Fareas

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I'm absolutely against increased headshot damage. It only benefit low-tier bows, like horn and tatar. Now, rus/long bow are out of the game.

There is no reason to use a rus/long bow instead of low tier ones because:
- Both are two slots, so we have the curse of pickaxe fighting.
- Body damage is ridiculous. (With 6PD, MW Longbow, and MW bodkins I didn't kill a guy wearing a haubergeon with 3 arrows to the body ???????).
- We have an accuracy & drawing time penalty for having 6PD or more.
- We have a upkeep penalty.
- We can't deal with archers because we are too slow. With Long bow, just don't try.

I demand a solution. The last four patches, four archery nerfs. I'm sure that the decision of that major nerfs (ladders, damage) was a way to decrease ranged population on servers, thinking on a future buff. It's not fair and devs know it.

I agree I even shot someone in the head with my MW longbow at 6 pd and he freaking survived it... Also throwers suck even more now with nearly no way to head shot the throwing lances are even worse off then they were before I can't even one shot naked guys with a 1 slot throwing weapon.

Without being able to access high places using ladders were screwed, we can't even fight on the ground with no more jump shooting/slower run speed forcing us to run farther to shoot and get caught by cav that will butcher us.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Nerfing too much= No No
« on: August 22, 2011, 09:42:03 pm »
Xbowers cannot be reload without being headshotted

You do realize that you can spin around while reloading to dodge shots cause thats what I do so I never get headshot. Also Xbows are better at reloading behind cover like it ALWAYS was, don't complain about not being able to reload your xbows facing archers while you're in the middle of the field.

My problems with how things are going on the range side are the silly low amount of ammunition for throwers ,the pierce damage being only for long bows,the missile speed on bows and xbows and most of  all the accuracy of the bow. Bow accuracy is supposed to be what defines it over the xbow which excels at mid range and the throwers which excels at close range but right now its at a state that's pretty much equal to xbows. Bows should be extremely accurate!

Game Admin aBooze / Re: Dexxta_of_Chaos
« on: August 12, 2011, 02:47:08 am »
I believe he is admin of the NA community server so your post doesn't really belong here.

Although I do not approve of actions like those i've seen alot of chaos dueling at end games in team deathmatch notice the TEAM in there. Take it to the duel servers if you want to duel if not don't disappoint your whole team by dueling and ending in your teams defeat instead of what could have been an easy win by ganging up.

I was a decent archer a while ago before the upkeep/animation change of archery patch. Since i just came back from such a long time I thought I would share my thoughts on whats changed for the better or for worse.

For those who were not there, I can honestly say archery was broken we shot quickly and most people died in 1 or 2 hits paired with the old gen retirement wpf boost and some people quickly became death machine guns.(Kesh)
Of course measures were taken in the patches that came after. Archers were hit hard in the next patches they had to bleed for what they had done to cRPG(dominating matches instead of people in plate armor or people on plate horses(or both))
They had a slowed firing rate from the new animation also the gen wpf boost and extremely high levels that could be reached(which is what rendered them overly powerful in the first place) were also removed and most bows became cut weapons save for the slowest one. This was pretty extreme in my humble opinion but you see it was not supposed to be a problem that bows would become cut since the upkeep system was supposed to make players very very rarely wear plate because of the high costs which would render the cut type a viable option, we all know how that worked.

 Now like most melee players would say when a weapon type gets nerfed it doesn't matter as much since the player can compensate for the nerf with his very own player skill but now archery can't even do that. Some players said archery required no skill but I think aiming far at the distance estimating where the opponent will move towards takes skill but now when I shoot I simply pray that my very slow randomnly shooting weak arrow will hit the target for minimal damage since we can't even accurately shoot from a close distance. Paired with weapon slots the only weapons pure archers could carry into battle that could hurt plates a bit used to be 2h or polearms but now if we want to hurt them with pierce we have no choice to use longbow and 2 set of arrows or deal with the fact we wont have enough arrows 2 minutes in the game so that we can have a 1h weapon.

I also see throwing isn't doing much better. I currently see the game as more broken then what it was when I left but I suppose since 2h/polearm/horse riders dominate over anything else everything is fine and dandy

I played plenty of games those that succeeded did this :

Nothing should ever dominate games.
Any thing purely invested into should be equally powerful as something else purely invested into.
Costs should not justify Balance in any mean.
Realism should never justify the current state of game.(never use that argument for anything seriously)
Nerf vs Buff
Nerfing makes what you used seem weaker making you feel weaker reducing fun, Buffing however lets you keep what you liked how it was while other classes get up to par.
Winner is Buff

I am not saying archery should be back to what it once was but it certainly shouldn't be what it is right now, same for throwing and crossbows.

All in all perhaps the game is worst then what it was because of the upkeep system not working like how it was designed to, or maybe that's just me. Kudos to you who currently play archers actively because like me you purely enjoy it and simply prefer the play style no matter the nerfs.

Thanks for reading my rant on the current cRPG.

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