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Messages - GanForr

Pages: [1] 2
Sell/Trade / Re: Jeor's Sad Hut of Trade
« on: May 06, 2013, 04:54:28 pm »

General Discussion / Re: Free Looms Lottery
« on: April 18, 2013, 05:55:52 pm »

Maybe the problem of ranged cav is just the huge amount of ammos. Reducing them shoud force the ranged horsemen to melee, and so there will be no problem with HX at the end of the round. What do you think?

About the archers, i think that they are fine, now that there is no more absurd kiting. I would buff them, by the way, because there are so many crossbowman now, and they have no counter.

Sell/Trade / Jeor's Sad Hut of Trade
« on: April 03, 2013, 06:25:07 pm »
Hi guys, I'm here to trade with you, even if my looms are poor and sad!

-Knightly arming sword, very nice sword that offers a complete offensive repart;
Stats:  WEI:1.7,  SLO:1  SPE:98  LEN:102  THR:26p  SWI:34c

-Heraldic mail with tabard, nice armor with excellent protection both in the body and in the legs.
Stats:  WEI:12.2  BODY:45  LEG:17

-ranseur, nice 2 directional polearm, with awesome stabs and decent overhead;
Stats:  WEI:2.5  SLO:2  SPE:88  LEN:189  THR:32p  SWI:31c

- +3 long bow;
- Short arming sword, or every 0 slots 1h sword but for the nordic short sword and the short sword

Sell/Trade / Re: "Offensive Named" Shop
« on: March 29, 2013, 12:41:14 pm »
I've a mighty elegant poleaxe, and im interested in your war spear or in your arabian cavarly sword.

General Off Topic / Re: 50k for free
« on: November 27, 2012, 10:32:05 pm »
Now I'll spam messages until i get the 42nd post: 50 000 worths a ban

Suggestions Corner / Re: Change Missile speed back to it's former value
« on: November 08, 2012, 09:33:04 pm »
Ofc this will affect your aim, and it will  take time to re-adjust your aim to cope with the changes, but in addition it feels very buggy ever since, plainly speaking. Arrows flies straight through people not moving, it's happened at least 4 times that I shoot someone in the Belly/Arms/legs and it registers as a headshot.

So you are telling me that the headshots I'm getting in these are normal bodyshot? I'm awful :cry:

By the way, i didnt notice any change after the patches,and i use an arbalest(but i even don't know if arba statistics changed). Now it seems that i headshoot more easily, but i dont know if it's me or the bug  :mrgreen:.

General Discussion / Re: Grey Order appreciation thread
« on: November 02, 2012, 08:25:16 pm »
Just to know, what happened? Multiaccounting or other things?

I've problems, too. Since the start of Semptember my ping have started raising, and from the 50-55 that i usually had now i have 80 or more. This happens in all the eu server. Only today i had 60-65 ping(and I nerd hard).

Edit: btw, i live in Italy.

General Discussion / Re: What change would make you enjoy open maps more
« on: October 22, 2012, 06:36:40 pm »
Maybe battle with 3 different teams? It will be confusionary and unbalanced, but IMO it would add variety in the battlefield.

General Discussion / Re: NA_3 IS HAUNTED
« on: October 21, 2012, 10:45:15 pm »
I've seen this "unassigned" even in eu3, just 3 minutes ago. I enter in the server and ive checked the playerlist, and i see him in there. I found him near to the board of the map, and i try to duel him. But he didnt accept, and i quit scared as a bitch.

cRPG Technical problems / Re: Problem with Bannerpack
« on: October 04, 2012, 01:07:15 pm »
With the new system, clans who are founded in the ladder clan on the crpg site, can "rent" banner slots for a month (isnt that expensive, as clans have more than 1 person anyway).

Those banners are displayed for any player, as they are downloaded with the crpg loader. However only those who are in that clan can use the banners. The old native banners are still available and are used by players without clans. :)

ok, thanks again.

cRPG Technical problems / Re: Problem with Bannerpack
« on: October 03, 2012, 09:39:14 pm »
Both of those are outdated. If you have the latest launcher (0.7.7) run "repair" and it will automatically download the banners.

Oh, thanks. But so there is no more bannerpack avaible? :cry: Many thanks again

cRPG Technical problems / Problem with Bannerpack
« on: October 03, 2012, 08:24:11 pm »
Hi guys, recently i've had some problem with installing bannerpack. I found 2 of them, one by Overdriven and one by Arked and Draggon, but when i try to enter in a server with one of these the game doesn't start or crash. That's awful because they look very nice!
I have some question then:
-are they outdated?
-are there other bannerpack then?
-can you suggest me what is the better, that have all the clan banner?

Many thanks, and sorry for my horrible english. :mrgreen:

I've noticed a thing lately: when i dehorse a guy, i try to hit him when he can't defend himself, but even if i hear the cut sound, the horseman doesn't get hitted, or it does, but he doesn't show it. Why?

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