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Messages - Dracorid3r

Pages: [1]
Closed Requests / Banned from eu servers?
« on: October 30, 2011, 07:23:58 pm »
Hey, dracorid3r_ATS here. I went to go on a battle between ATS and random dude on EU 3 and it said I was banned... so we thought over vent to just go to another popular EU server and ask an admin if I could get unbanned. Turns out I'm banned from all EU servers..... Anyone know why?a

After a few minutes asking questions at my bro's turns out one of them got banned..... which unfortunately means I got banned....I kicked him off my crpg forever now..(he was an alt so he could play as well)

I would appreciate an unban.... especially now that I have a few battles to go to.

edit edit lol


i was being inmature last night and useing bad language on the top crpg servers and gusse what, i got banned im sorry and i know its wrong i promise not to do it again,

please unban me: menia_KOJ

Closed Requests / request to unban
« on: October 29, 2011, 03:44:23 pm »
hello my name is menia_KOJ i got banned last night for being inmature and useing bad language [sorry dont know how to spell that] i know it is wrong to hit/kill teamates then start cussing
[the reason i did was i was tired, bored and just annoyed, can you please unban me from EU_crpg_1 and the top crpg seige server [i dont remember the name]. i promise to try not to use bad language ingmae or hit/kill teamates.

sincerly menia_KOJ

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