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Messages - Zjadacz_chleba

Pages: [1]
Character: Zjadacz_chleba_the_Grey

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General Discussion / Re: CRPG Caricatures
« on: September 13, 2014, 02:03:51 am »
I see that the to do list was updated and people from the previous page appers to be forget so, i remake a request.

Any chance of drawing this guy, please? :wink:

My nick (Zjadacz chleba) simply means "Bread Eater" maybe something with it, please? :)
I use: Knightly Heater Shield, spathovaklion, Brown Rus Lamellar Cuirass, rus cavalry boots, mail mittens, Gotland helmet(optional)

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If you still need some stuff I can help with some gold or loom  :D

General Discussion / Re: CRPG Caricatures
« on: August 27, 2014, 06:39:57 pm »
Any chance of drawing this guy, please? :wink:

My nick (Zjadacz chleba) simply means "Bread Eater" maybe something with it, please? :)
I use: Knightly Heater Shield, spathovaklion, Brown Rus Lamellar Cuirass, rus cavalry boots, mail mittens, Gotland helmet(optional)

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Pages: [1]