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Messages - Zjackrum

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Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Archery or Crossbow?
« on: February 09, 2012, 01:30:39 am »
I guess what I'm trying to ask is which will do more damage - longbow / rusbow or a light crossbow / arbalest? Assume VS same target & over time, not per shot.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Archery or Crossbow?
« on: February 06, 2012, 10:44:10 pm »
Well right now i'm a first-gen archer. My beef is that I can make body shots with little difficulty, the problem is I can get a dozen hits (on different targets, of course) and I'm lucky to get a single kill. Also I'm not too shabby at hitting horses, but they never seem to die either.

It feels like even with bodkin arrows, there's almost no point in trying to shoot anyone with medium or heavy armor - it's just a waste of ammo.

Also, whats with the longbow hate / Rus bow love? Just based on the weapon raw data, they're pretty similar, save for the speed rating and damage.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Archery or Crossbow?
« on: February 06, 2012, 07:54:19 pm »
I'm reasonably new and just getting into CRPG as ranged class. Given the recent state of archery and the need for headshots, let's make an assumption: I am not good enough for headshots. I will work on this, but assume I will make mostly body shots. With that in mind, I have several questions hopefully someone can answer:

1. Should I be going for archery or crossbows?
Archery is a lot quicker, but crossbows pack more punch per shot, right? Yet crossbows don't need to put points in PD, which frees up points for WM or IF.

2. Longbow or hornbow? / Light crossbow or Arbalest?
A lot of topics are suggesting a quick bow with emphasis on WPF for headshots. Is a longbow/arbalest more fitting for my shotgun tactic?

3. Powerdraw - how much is too much?
On the topic of PD & bows - the wiki says you can use up to 4 + the required amount for the bow. So am I going to want 10 PD for a longbow?

4. How much WPF?
A lot of the builds at level 30 dump every single point into archery/crossbow. At what point is accuracy maxed, and you are simply increasing reload speed?

5. Armor
The consensus seems to be to keep weight below 7. I recall that head is x3 and hands are x2 for determining weight. I suppose most crossbowmen i see on the field are hybrids...? A lot of them are wearing chainmail armor.

Sorry in advance for a ton of questions. I couldn't really find answers to all these questions in one place.

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