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Messages - Hawke_Lackland

Pages: [1]
Suggestions Corner / Re: Finished armor ready for C-RPG
« on: February 13, 2012, 09:17:27 pm »
As I've said before, I can't really speak for the design of the armor, having never used, or worn armor I don't know whats effective and whats not. I was simply working from the reference image I was provided by the people I was making the armor for. It was a sort of, armor by design deal, they picked what they wanted, I tried to make it.
  I plan on adding cloth sleeves with perhaps some sort of leather bracers now that I know the warband engine requires it, however I'm fairly busy with other matters at the moment, and I'm not sure when I'll get around to it. When I do I'll make a new post and ask Mor to update the pics in his original post.

Thanks again for all the feedback and opinions, it's much appreciated. 

Suggestions Corner / Re: Finished armor ready for C-RPG
« on: February 08, 2012, 06:29:53 pm »
Hello, I'm the chap that made the armor, I'm pleased so many of you seem to like it, it's very encouraging.

This is the first model I've ever made for warband, so I'm very unfamiliar with the engine, it was all sort of touch and go as far as scaling, and what's required to make it work, hence the model only has a half shirt of chain mail, which was all that was in the reference picture I was given. However it wouldn't be that difficult to add cloth sleeves beneath the mail. As for the legs I can not say, I assume boots in warband go up to the knee?

As far as historical accuracy I can't speak for that either, my knowledge of the period is passing at best, and I simply tried to recreate the armor in the reference I was given by my mate. However it seems to me that an armor of this type wouldn't be out of place with a free lance, someone who sort of cobbled together bits of stuff where ever he could find it. I can't say I play the mod much, but that idea seems to fit with C-rpg as well, since the whole point seems to be mixing and matching armor and building the fighter you want.

I'll knock up a variant of the armor with some cloth sleeves and see what you guys think then.

Cheers, and thanks for all the feedback!

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