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Messages - ArmoredFan

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: I'm not one to complain but somethings off...
« on: January 31, 2012, 10:54:07 pm »
Just saying... had to pay for Poleaxe 3 out of 4 rounds just now.

General Discussion / I'm not one to complain but somethings off...
« on: January 31, 2012, 06:46:47 pm »
So I am using the Poleaxe at 144 wpf. I just played for 45 minutes and had to repair it three times. Essentially I have to repair it just about every round if not twice every time I play. In the same five minutes I had to repair 9 other things. So about 6000 for 45 minutes of play and I only wear a total of 26k~ in EQ. (However I did put on a 20k armor which I then repaired next to immediately and took off.

Can someone help explain how repairs work? If anyone else uses a Poleaxe do you find yourself paying out of ass to use it?

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