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Messages - Paladin

Pages: [1]
Deutsches Forum / Re: Eure lustigsten Crpg-Spielergebnisse
« on: April 25, 2011, 11:25:38 am »
hmm, gestern habe ich mit ner mistgabel 6 schwergepanzerte Plattenratten die scvhädel eingehauen :D, aber ich glaube die fanden das nicht so lustig

General Discussion / Re: Patch Fix On The Way Today! (Changelog Included)
« on: January 06, 2011, 03:29:56 pm »
the best thing in the fix is the decrease of the repairing costs. I´ve played a lot since the patch released and every second round i lose, i must pay up to 5000 g (mostly 3-4 k) only to repair my armor. And with the rest of gold,  you can do nothing. So hands up to the fix.

General Discussion / Re: Feedback...
« on: January 05, 2011, 06:20:08 pm »
Editing to my first Reply: Now i have played more than 7 hours with the patch and i must say, that i must pay  much gold, only to repair my things. But thats my only problem, the rest is great  8-)

General Discussion / Re: I love all of you who...
« on: January 05, 2011, 06:16:49 pm »
yeah, good thread, and yeah i love this new patch too. Of course there where some bugs or some things that must be changed, but now play it first, then enjoy and then start to flame about bugs and other things :mrgreen:

General Discussion / Re: Feedback...
« on: January 05, 2011, 12:40:46 pm »
After playing 2hours with the new patch, my feedback is so:
The patch is awesmoe :) Now everyone have the chance to be a good because the "plate elephants" have not any longer their strongness. But what i hate is the new Xp/gold system. Its to easy to get much gold and Xp for doing nothing. Befor patch, you must be like a james bond to survie. Now nobody cares about that, because if you die, you earn the gold and the Xp.
Its only my opinion

Deutsches Forum / Eure lustigsten cRPG-Spielergebnisse
« on: January 04, 2011, 06:12:34 pm »
Da so etwas im TW-forum für nativ bereits exestiert, hab ich mir gedacht, warum nicht auch für Crpg? Erzählt uns, was euch alles in den epischen schlachten passiert ist, vlt. sogar mit screenshots.
Was mir einmal wiederfallen ist: Ich auf dem EU_Crpg4_Bt1 mal wieder anwesend um Xp und Gold zu sammeln, die Map gerade diese Khergitische Dorf. Wir alle verschanzen uns hinter den Häusern um dem Pfeilhagel zu entkommen. Plötzlich fangen da zwei noobs an, andere Member anzugreifen bzw. zu treten oder mit der Faust zuzuschlagen, im Endeffekt wars dann so, das eine riesige Teamkillerei entstand, bis schließlich fast alle Teammates tod ware, da sie den Feind dann schutzlos ausgeliefert waren, und ich dann natürlich schutzlos war und wir verloren.

Suggestions Corner / Re: [cRPG Battle] - Remove Ladders
« on: January 03, 2011, 07:22:20 pm »
I think, ladders are very usefull and what some persone said that every round is in the end a round of "camping archers at unreachable places" isn´t true. Since I play Crpg i see much rounds of normal fighting( and there the ladders are part of the tactic, for example the map with the tower and the water in the middle, then you can use the ladder to surprise the enemy ;-) ) and i see some rounds, where in the end one Team is camping at unreachable places, but it was funny to see, that the "sniper"(maybe on a roof) often be killed from the other team because they´re like little pigs in the water  :). Maybe it is boring for much people but i see only the fun

Spam / Re: first in spam board.
« on: January 03, 2011, 04:16:56 pm »
I love spamming :D and how are you?

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