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Messages - Siboire

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Faction Halls / Re: The Frisian Freedom: Recruiting NA
« on: January 23, 2016, 04:56:25 pm »
Was fun playing with you yesterday, man! We're all just becoming a bit more active lately- you are probably a very classic player that started before many of us. You're more than welcome to come into TS if you'd like, or simply banner up with us.

My clan and Occitan had a bit of a merger....sort of. We were inseperable allies on strategus and we all think that the other group is cute, so we just made one ladder for both of us. Don't really recall how long its been since you were playing, but Arowaine is still around plenty. Some of the older Occitan guys like Shinock and Gash don't seem to play cRPG very much at all anymore- maybe around once in a blue moon.

Add me on steam if you'd like: sand_man_pb or FIRING OFF PISS JUGS if that one doesn't work.
Added you, let me know when you'll get on! (servers are quite dead in NA right now...). I started playing with another clan of French Canadians back in the day but the leader was some snob fascist so I ditched them and went with Occitan which was quite new at the time, I believe.

Faction Halls / Re: The Frisian Freedom: Recruiting NA
« on: January 22, 2016, 06:44:03 pm »
Hello, I was told ingame by Occitan_Westwood (I believe his name was) to come apply here. I just got back into the game so I'm re-learning everything haha but I'd gladly join up a fun clan that also has good players from whom I can learn from ^^

Oops forgot to say:
Also, my ingame character name is Occitan_FullMetalJacket
Oh and for some reason, whenever I try to get on the TS server, my (up to date) TS gives me "Failed to resolve hostname" and I did changed the correct letters.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Drowning script
« on: February 22, 2012, 09:58:44 pm »
+1 for drowning but no swimming above a certain armor weight :)

Closed Requests / Re: Ban request for "Petal_De_Fleur"
« on: February 08, 2012, 05:19:55 am »
Sorry, ur right this is the wrong section. It happened on NA community 1. Could this be moved in the right section plz?

Closed Requests / Ban request for "Petal_De_Fleur"
« on: February 08, 2012, 03:29:07 am »
I'm really tired of this. It's the third time I'm asking for a ban about these guys and after being banned 2 times they still continue on with tw/tks at spawn of me and some of my clanmate. Either it's the same guys or their friends...
Anyway, he left just after the tw-ing at spawn as you can see in the SS:

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Thx for taking care of this matter!


General Discussion / Re: cRPG in a sentence
« on: January 27, 2012, 06:10:42 pm »
Un-even teams (broken team balancing: most of the time one team gets completly crushed by the other team left with sometimes more then 20 players alive at end of battle round) polestun, lolstabs, heavy cav. But still fun to play!

Somebody is buttmad he got CT'ed? But all jokes aside, CT weapons are really slow and they got the unbalance tag making them not only slow to swing but to block too! Instead of playing defensivly like you do normally as shielder, be more aggressive, keep your distance and dont wait for him to hit you before attacking! Also shield skill has nothing to do with the chance of a CT to happen, only the str/powerstrike (damage) and the weight of the CT weapon vs weight of the shield/weapon used to block affect the chance of a CT to occur on an overhead.

Beside, if they remove CT from maul, mallet and great maul, these weapon will become useless... So a big NO, keep crushtrough(CT)!

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Crossbows damage
« on: January 18, 2012, 02:21:28 am »
This. Maybe buff throwing a bit too.

Buff only 2 slots xbows (heavy and arbalest), not the 1 slot u can pull out of ur arse and keep a danish or bec or wtv to duel, my opinion...

You guys are fine because I see most of you use great maul and only great maul when you do have one.

Thx lol but ya, most ppl use great maul as a side arm so 3 slots would fix it and allow dedicated great maulers to continue unaffected...

As me and other occitans used this weapon on battle (good times xD) for quite a while, i say it should simply be 3 slots but keep mallet and maul 2 slots. Great maul should be a dedicated weapon not a thing you magically pull out of ur pants in needed times. So keep it sheatable but make it 3 slots imo.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Crossbows damage
« on: January 17, 2012, 04:42:40 pm »
As an ex user of MW arbalest... yup RIP dedicated arbalester build...

Rain fucks you too often nowadays and now with the latest patch, it made dedicated "arbalesters" near useless. For the time it takes to reload a damm arbalest I dont mind much the damage when I get shot by one.  The problem pre-patch was the sheer amount of xbow users using light and regular xbows with a 2-slot weapon, not some dedicated xbowman with an arbalest and a 1h as side arm. 

arbalest IMO should not be affected by this new "range rule" of 67% damage for body shot.

This comes from a "jedi boromir"... Just saying.

both names are just saying "You suck_ FMJ" and "fuck you_ FMJ" in french, it seems I have my personnal fan club that makes throwers killing me at spawn even if i did not said anything...
Maybe it's brabrebro and his friend coming back for revenge because I reported them couple of days ago for tking me at spawn.
Here is my post about them:,23919.msg345517.html#msg345517

As you can see, in fact, I reported them 3-4 days ago and they got banned for 3 days... lol funny coincidence that I get tked at spawn by 2 ppl just tonight xD I hope it's possible to see if those characters are linked to their accounts.

It happened the 16 of january couple of minutes ago around 9:15-9:20 PM.
They probably erased those characters to not get busted again cuz as soon as they tked me at spawn, they left the server, you can even see it on my second screenshot.

here is the proof:

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Thx for taking the time to look into this  :?

Closed Requests / Re: Ban request for : "Keldris" and "Brabrebro"
« on: January 12, 2012, 03:00:37 pm »
Thank you :)

Closed Requests / Ban request for : "Keldris" and "Brabrebro"
« on: January 12, 2012, 04:54:30 am »

It happened on NA battle server around 10:45 PM the 11 of january.

second SS is better, you can see that they both ganged on me at round start and kept overheading me with great mauls and tked me for no reason. check server log for proof.

It is not the first time brabrebro tw me for no reason and despite the fact I told him to stop several times he keeps doing it and it seems he is bringing his friend into it.

Thx for taking care of this manner!

I personnally would not mind a buff to heavy armor while increasing (a lot) the speed penalty, though there's already so many str whores that are near unkillable that buffing heavy armor would make them invulnerable to anything but other str whores...

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