Faction Halls / Re: The Frisian Freedom: Recruiting NA
« on: January 23, 2016, 04:56:25 pm »Was fun playing with you yesterday, man! We're all just becoming a bit more active lately- you are probably a very classic player that started before many of us. You're more than welcome to come into TS if you'd like, or simply banner up with us.Added you, let me know when you'll get on! (servers are quite dead in NA right now...). I started playing with another clan of French Canadians back in the day but the leader was some snob fascist so I ditched them and went with Occitan which was quite new at the time, I believe.
My clan and Occitan had a bit of a merger....sort of. We were inseperable allies on strategus and we all think that the other group is cute, so we just made one ladder for both of us. Don't really recall how long its been since you were playing, but Arowaine is still around plenty. Some of the older Occitan guys like Shinock and Gash don't seem to play cRPG very much at all anymore- maybe around once in a blue moon.
Add me on steam if you'd like: sand_man_pb or FIRING OFF PISS JUGS if that one doesn't work.