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Messages - Blood_SunJian

Pages: [1]
Strategus General Discussion / Re: Strat for CN?
« on: March 14, 2013, 07:28:44 am »
Winter is coming!Dark clouds are gatheringļ¼ Beware of Chinese invasion! 7 Clans, Over300+ wellequiped, elited warriors with unappeasable thirst and hungerare, are ready for conquering their realms.

cRPG Technical problems / Item lost!
« on: February 29, 2012, 12:37:50 pm »
ID: Blood_Sunjian

+1 Destrier disppeared from my inventory, pls GM track my record and recover my item. thanks!

Sell/Trade / Sell Italian Sword +1
« on: January 15, 2012, 01:45:59 pm »
Sell Italian Sword +1 for 43k, or exchange for steel bolt +1

Pages: [1]