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Messages - Gronarix

Pages: [1]

Download, use it as a second client.



Thank you good sir. Have an internet.

Hello. How would one go about reverting their client of Mount and Blade Warband back to version 1.134?

Steam automatically updates it to the latest version and I am not sure how to do so.

Closed Requests / Unban request
« on: January 14, 2012, 09:00:51 am »
Hello. I have been banned today because a group of trolls were saying that white people are the cause of all misery and are stupid. Here is a screenshot that I found on these forums of the conversation in a nutshell.  I was kicked because I was saying good things that white people have done (nothing bad about other races) then I came back and the admin said, "Any racism will get you a 3 week ban"  I figured I was kicked for saying the good things about Caucasians so I replied "Can I make fun of white people then?" because those who were making fun of them weren't kicked yet (Anwar) and then I got banned.

I just feel that this ban was a bit harsh for a joke.  Thank you for your time.

P.S. I am Berzerk_Rage

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