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Messages - Juggaknott

Pages: [1]
cRPG Technical problems / Account issue
« on: February 08, 2012, 02:53:12 am »
So, i recently got a new computer, and had to buy a new copy of the game with a different activation key, Any idea on how i would be able to transfer my old characters over to my new computer?

General Discussion / Rageball
« on: January 27, 2012, 05:01:02 am »
So, i've been playing rageball since it came out, i must say it is alot of fun to play.
There is only one problem that i see with it:
The teams can become unbalanced so easily. When people start quitting one team is stuck with 5 players and the other will have 10 still, which makes it extremely annoying when you are on the team of 5( which i usually am)
Just wondering if anyone else feels the way i do.
Maybe there is some sort of solution :-)

Faction Halls / Re: [HoC] Hounds of Chulainn (NA)
« on: January 15, 2012, 06:03:37 am »
In-game name: Juggaknott
Steam name:dont have one, got the game off of amazon.
Can you use teamspeak (yes,no)? yes i can, though i dont talk that much my mic is shit.
How long have you been playing crpg?: I've been playing 3 days now.
Why are you interested in joining HoC?: After playing for three days and pretty much being Hammered to death by Hospies and Occitan, i decided to seek out a clan to join. I saw a bunch of HoC members playing and i really like the teamwork you all use. After looking you guys up i fell in love being from an Irish background.
Estimated hours you can play a week: I am a college student i have class monday-thursday, after that its free game. I'd say at least 30+ hours a week.
Age: 23
Where are you from?: Prunedale, California (school in Redlands,California)
Active on Forums?: Being that i have been playing for 3 days not yet. But i can be.

Faction Halls / Re: Clan-Searching-Thread
« on: January 14, 2012, 06:14:14 am »
Hi there I am new to crpg. Been playing for about a day now, I would like to find a home though. I'm as fairly serious player and I'd love to leArn more about the game. I'm not very good as of right now but I'm catching on. My in game name is Juggaknott. I'm 23 years old and Play on the NA server, your replies are appreciated.

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