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Messages - Ridicule

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General Discussion / Re: Rageball Bugged Maps
« on: May 03, 2012, 07:14:02 pm »
Frug, you were one of the people I had in mind for that.  Original would be another.  I would be willing to do it also, but I wouldn't want full admin responsibilities, just the ability to change the map when it is bugged.  I have no desire to get into having to monitor peoples behavior and hand out bans/kicks, which is why I suggested a few people be given the option of changing maps. 

General Discussion / Rageball Bugged Maps
« on: May 03, 2012, 04:19:40 am »
Right now on NA 6, Rageball server, the map rotation has random hill maps.  Often on these maps the ball will start up in the sky and will not spawn into play until there is about 6 minutes left on the map.  Anyone that came into the map with a x5 gets to milk it, while a lot of people without it will leave.  The map turns into DM until the spawns and we lose a lot of people. 

Can we please have these maps removed? The ball being in the air is bad enough, but more than half the time the goals are halfway into a hillside and there is only a small area to shoot.  Perfect shots will sometimes drop straight down like they hit the bar, even though they did not. 

There are hardly any admins on rageball lately, so the map stays there until it times out.  If the maps aren't going to be removed, is there any way that a few people that play rageball regularly could be granted a limited admin status with the ability to change maps?  They don't even need to be able to kick people, just have the option to change the map when it is bugged. 

cRPG Technical problems / Re: Rageball kick goal bug
« on: May 03, 2012, 12:14:11 am »
I saw this happen with someone else a couple of days ago.  I can't remember if I was on NA or EU at the time, or who kicked it, but I did go pull it out of goal and made the comment that it was all the way in.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Running in cRPG
« on: April 04, 2012, 04:52:56 pm »
Please sticky this, so much valuable information.  Had to go digging for it again.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Admin Chat
« on: April 04, 2012, 06:58:48 am »
I agree on that.  Plus it would give people a new way to spam you guys.  I just wanted to check and make sure on how it worked.  Thanks.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Admin Chat
« on: April 04, 2012, 05:08:35 am »
When you use admin chat to send a message to an admin, what happens when no admin is on?  Does the message just disappear or does it get sent to someone or stored in a mailbox for someone to check on later? 

Not sure which forum to post this in, so figured I would post here as it could be useful for new players to know this.  Feel free to move if necessary.


Guides / Re: Archer Build - Hybrid focus
« on: April 03, 2012, 06:54:11 am »

General Discussion / Re: My Frugging Rageball Guide!
« on: March 28, 2012, 02:18:42 am »
Thanks Frug!

A couple of things that I would like to add that are more on the strategy side:

Route Running:
  If someone on your team has the ball and has 1 or more enemies closing in on them, it is almost always better to run away from your teammate and try to move to open space.  This gives them someone to pass to.  It is very frustrating when your own team runs straight towards you (and the enemy) when they should be running away and looking for a pass.  This is basically what Turboflex just said, but it really needs to be stressed. 

I personally don't like it when someone on my team runs with me as a guard, unless we are very close to enemy goal.  Again, I would prefer that they move away into open space and be ready for a pass. 

Route running also applies to the ball carrier.  Sometimes you want to run sideways or away from the goal you want to score on.  You can sometimes draw several defenders your way while someone runs right down the middle.  If you use your Outfit View key (noob alert: which I didn't know existed until a week ago) you will be able to see when to turn and throw.  After you throw you start back up field as the defenders now turn and all chase the ball.  Now you are open for a pass.

Kicking:  If you have a weapon that does not have an down attack, you can also use a down block. 

Goalies need to be aware that if you aren't that good at kicking or miss the first kick, it is usually quicker to pass the ball.  With 3 good passes the ball can be 3/4 of the way down field on the Rageball Stadium map and still controlled by your team.  This does assume that people are in position and expecting the ball.

Catching: You can use F to catch the ball, as has been stated.  What most people do not realize is that a lot of times the goalie will throw the ball down at their feet so they can kick it.  If they throw it close enough you can press F and it will pull the ball out of the goal-box.  Most goalies will realize what to correct after this happens once or twice, but it is still very useful.  Remember, that any moving/bouncing ball can be picked up with F.  This is going to come into play more now on the maps with hills.  The ball rolling downhill can get away from you quickly.  Use F to grab it before it gets too far. 

Rageball is loads of fun especially when there are two good teams that are working together.  It sucks when it denigrates to TDM and dueling. 

Here's a link to the "Official" Rageball guide:,25571.0.html

Suggestions Corner / Re: RAGEBall
« on: March 14, 2012, 10:21:46 pm »
Range needs to be left in.  I actually have less of a problem with archers shooting at random people than I do with everyone else that treats it as team death match.  When there are two full teams and everyone is actually attempting to play rageball, you can get some pretty awesome games.  Seems like that isn't happening too much anymore though  :(

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Low str REALLY high agi melee characters.
« on: February 22, 2012, 04:39:43 am »
I'm currently running a 9 str 30 agi 2H build.  But I also play rageball almost to exclusion of other game types, so it really works well for that.  I do miss having 24 str for far throws, but being able to catch almost everyone is really nice.  Even with my armor on, I'm faster than pretty much everyone.  If there are a lot of people running around naked I tend to drop my armor down so that I can still be faster than them. 

One thing to keep in mind, if you play a high agi build and don't like it, play a lot of rageball and you can probably hit 31 in about 2 weeks if you are on some good teams.  It's not too difficult to maintain a x5 with a good team.  And no, that doesn't include stall tactics.  You will make a ton of gold as well, since with a high agi build you aren't spending a ton on repairs. 

Announcements / Re: 'Suspicious IP behaviour' banwave.
« on: February 19, 2012, 01:19:39 am »
I play on a laptop.  I have thought about taking it over to one of my friend's house who plays as well.  We have separate accounts, and so far neither one of us has played Stategus, though we are both interested in learning more about it.  Would there be any problems if we were both to play at the same location?  My account would end up showing multiple IP's if I were to do this. 


Game Admin Feedback / Re: [NA] Spaniard
« on: February 17, 2012, 11:30:23 pm »
I think you're doing a great job.  The other night when Speed_King was playing Rageball without a weapon you checked with other admins to make sure that was against the rules.  I haven't seen that many admins have to make in game decisions (I'm still pretty new), but I liked that you verified that no weapon was against the rules before you kicked him after repeated warnings. 

Keep up the good work!

General Discussion / Re: Rageball
« on: February 14, 2012, 07:10:01 pm »
Actually, off-sides in soccer is when you are past the last defender (not goalie) on the opponents side of the field when the ball is kicked by a teammate.  If you are on-sides when it is kicked you can run past the last defender and get the ball. 

That being said, I would hate to see any type of off-sides introduced to Rageball. 

I like the idea of a map with some walls to create a few choke points.  They don't have to be really tight choke points, but they would at least funnel people through.  I think they would make the Strength builds more valuable, and if you still have the open field maps then you have balance. Just like on some maps ranged or cav are better than regular melee, a choke point map would add to the value of a heavy str build.  The agility characters have to pay even more attention at going through those points instead of just making a quick cut and avoiding a swing before heading back on course.

I personally prefer high agility builds right now, but do think some choke points would prove interesting.  Also, I pretty much expect to be attacked at any time since I do have a high agi/ath build, and also take the time to hit anyone on the opposing team that I know has a similar build so I can slow them down even if they do not have the ball but their team does or they are chasing one of my teammates.

I really appreciate it when I am playing with guys that understand that if I have the ball and attackers are coming at me, they shouldn't run to me as well, but go the opposite way for a pass.  I don't mind dieing when I can get a pass off, but I do hate it when I die and have no one to pass to. 

Beginner's Help and Guides / Retiring and Loom points question
« on: February 10, 2012, 06:38:01 am »
So I have two characters, both of them level 30, close to 31, both first gen.  What should be the first items that I loom for them?  I've been playing a ton of rageball.  Should I go with chest piece or weapons first?  I'm leaning towards armor first because it seems like a lot of the time you can find a masterwork weapon lying on the ground. 

Thanks for any suggestions.

General Discussion / Re: Rageball
« on: February 02, 2012, 10:00:10 pm »
The bug with keeping the speed debuff after scoring until you touch the ball again is very annoying.  I would rather pass the ball to someone else and let them score if I know that they will be able to get the shot off than go ahead and take the basket myself because of this. 

I have also had times where I haven't scored but have received the speed debuff until I touched the ball again.  The only thing that I can think of that caused this is that I kicked the ball too far and it ended up respawning.  I will have to pay more attention though and see if I can duplicate it.   

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