I spend 100K auction banner before a banner maturity, do not know why no。
Received:28/07/2012 10:01:02 Marketplace auction #1472 won You have won the auction #1472 with the highest bid of 100001 gold. The exclusive banner was assigned to your clan. The remainder of your deposit was transferred to you.
Help, my main number can not log market, the point of the search, search no items,Hope someone can help, thank youvisitors can't see pics , please register or login
Server: EU_6 Rageball Player: DonQuixote_Cruijff_Afanti In the EU6 because my high PING,Bashibazouk_cicerm issue voting BAN to vote 52 percent, How they do not welcome that I can kick, why not kick but BAN, if the EU6 not welcome our high PING, set the password, thank you