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Messages - Pilleke

Pages: [1]
cRPG Technical problems / Re: Character doesn't belong to me. [SOLVED]
« on: January 05, 2012, 05:40:53 pm »
ok i testify (under cohertion) this is your character pilleke indeed
No shit sherlock ... you were the one who made me play it  :|

well I should stop fapping ^^.

----------------------- SOLVED --------------------------  Lock plz.

cRPG Technical problems / Re: Character doesn't belong to me.
« on: January 05, 2012, 05:37:18 pm »
Get a life, dunno, maybe is good solution :D
Go fap somewhere else trol. I can't play Crpg anymore, MY LIFE IS OVER...

Well, this is what happens, I use Crpg launcher, loads, trying to get inside a game and before I even spawn ''This character belongs to someone else''.
Now ... This is my name and my character -_-' What should I do?

Regards Pilleke.

NOTE: Katana suck, used it for 3 gens and Mw' it, to short reach.
Katana is fast.

PS PS: Pilleke, I will haunt you for the rest of your life :d. I've got a katana, ready to kill
She got my support, good strong player with epic armor. ((Elva, I got a katana also now  :twisted:))

I got another archievement. I killed elva while dueling with a bow. It is this archievement. Want proof? Check my Steam account.

((Unhonourable Archer: Ask for duel then kill player with bow)) and to remind:
- Incredible Hulk: Kill 2 players or more with fists
- Evil Spirit: Kill a defenceless woman (Elva)
- Harakiri: Suicide yourself by hitting a team-mate
- Metamorphosis: Spawn without bow and kill at least 1 player with melee (I couldn't wear my bow yet)

Benelux Forum / Re: Zijn er nog Nederlanders?
« on: January 03, 2012, 09:04:28 pm »
Weet je wat ik irritant vind? Ik ben gelijk ... nieuw en ik krijg 0 kills, ik kan niemand doden omdat iedereen in kak goed armor zit. Is wel echt kut :/

- Incredible Hulk: Kill 2 players or more with fists
- Evil Spirit: Kill a defenceless woman (Elva)
- Harakiri: Suicide yourself by hitting a team-mate
- Metamorphosis: Spawn without bow and kill at least 1 player with melee (I couldn't wear my bow yet)

PS: For cRPG, our official or most common used in battle equipment is:...

Shouldn't we have more then just 1? I mean ... Archers, Xbowmen,...

I almost done the whole archievement from archer :-X
But I have no proof of it. So it isn't useable.

I almost done the whole archievement from archer :-X

Benelux Forum / Re: Zijn er nog Nederlanders?
« on: January 02, 2012, 05:35:24 pm »
Ik ben belg, waarschijnlijk 1 van de enige ...

I haz begun !!!  :shock:

Pages: [1]