« on: August 01, 2012, 03:33:18 pm »
So I thought about this when I reading about Gaelic warriors and their tactics and the main form of fighting wars in Ireland, was for Cattle. Many Clans set up cattle raids to steal the enemy's Cattle which was the main show of wealth at those days ( Because currency wasn't implemented back then)
So I thought of this Cattleraid Gamemode when it seemed a bit silly sounding, like Defend the Virgin. So I imagined it should take a silly approach.
Team 1's Objective is defending the cattle from being stolen, the Amount of players justifies how many cattle there is.
Now it could go
- The Cattle is invulnerable and its a matter of just Killing off the enemy and defending and or Retrieving the Cattle.
- The Cattle can Die and if they Die to defenders hands they get penalized and if they die to the Offenders hands they get penalized.
Now the Cattle wont be this thing that follows you, you will be Riding the Cattle, One by one.
The Cattle will be Strong, loads of hit points and most importantly, Slow.
- Anyone can ride the Cattle and the users riding skill does not give an advantage.
Now the outcome, if the Defenders have 2/4 cattle remaining they will get all get a reward for having 2 remaining but a penalty because they were supposed to be Defending them, the Offenders will get the same amount of money but More because they got the Cattle and that's what they came for, so all in all which ever team has the most cattle wins but if it ends up with a tie, the Offenders win.
Team 2's Objective is Stealing the Cattle and that means by any means necessary, they will have a Point where to take the Cattle to.
But the Offenders have to remember the other team can Ride the cattle too and bring it back to the Pen.
I hope you Liked my suggestion.