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Messages - niallhalloran

Pages: [1]
Announcements / Re: Strat 4 Announcement
« on: August 03, 2012, 12:56:06 am »
Sorry if I don't get this straight but will there be 2 maps? or will there be one map with a border in between stating the mark onto NA land and EU for example:               

                                          NA land and all its Glory with its Ping and battles | EU land and all its Glory with its Ping and battles

Sorry if I structured this poorly.

I read this as 10 coins at first which sounded swell but 10,000 seems like too much but even 10 coins sounds too little so if this were to become a reality I would imagine there would be a decrease in the Pot input dramatically.

Down to 500 coins seems fair and rewarding, but you have to remember what about new players, would there be a level cap? because if one team has half of it as New Players you can imagine how Unfair and a big slap to the face of those who are at a sub-par Level.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Game mode - Cattle raids
« on: August 01, 2012, 10:03:58 pm »
I like the idea but riding the cattle is a bit silly. You should be able to herd them with player actions/commands and horses though. Also if they are fenced in have movable/breakable gate similar to siege. Maybe the objective for attackers could be to herd them onto a waiting viking boat, lol.
Point of the game is it to be silly, for example, Defend the virgin seems absurd aswell as rage ball so why not ride the cattle, but aside the fact that it should be silly, herding animals isn't fun at all, Riding them tho... that's another thing. ( If you have played Mount and Blade Native you would know how annoying it is herding animals, Remember that cRPG isn't for Realism, its for fun. )

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Suggestions Corner / Re: Game mode - Cattle raids
« on: August 01, 2012, 04:23:32 pm »
Riding skill 0 so everyone can Ride the cattle and Riding skill does not affect the speed.

Suggestions Corner / Game mode - Cattle raids
« on: August 01, 2012, 03:33:18 pm »
So I thought about this when I reading about Gaelic warriors and their tactics and the main form of fighting wars in Ireland, was for Cattle. Many Clans set up cattle raids to steal the enemy's Cattle which was the main show of wealth at those days ( Because currency wasn't implemented back then)

So I thought of this Cattleraid Gamemode when it seemed a bit silly sounding, like Defend the Virgin. So I imagined it should take a silly approach.

Team 1's Objective is defending the cattle from being stolen, the Amount of players justifies how many cattle there is.
Now it could go

- The Cattle is invulnerable and its a matter of just Killing off the enemy and defending and or Retrieving the Cattle.

- The Cattle can Die and if they Die to defenders hands they get penalized and if they die to the Offenders hands they get penalized.

Now the Cattle wont be this thing that follows you, you will be Riding the Cattle, One by one.

The Cattle will be Strong, loads of hit points and most importantly, Slow.
- Anyone can ride the Cattle and the users riding skill does not give an advantage.

Now the outcome, if the Defenders have 2/4 cattle remaining they will get all get a reward for having 2 remaining but a penalty because they were supposed to be Defending them, the Offenders will get the same amount of money but More because they got the Cattle and that's what they came for, so all in all which ever team has the most cattle wins but if it ends up with a tie, the Offenders win.

Team 2's Objective is Stealing the Cattle and that means by any means necessary, they will have a Point where to take the Cattle to.
But the Offenders have to remember the other team can Ride the cattle too and bring it back to the Pen.

I hope you Liked my suggestion.

General Discussion / Re: I request a new Main.
« on: June 15, 2012, 10:03:52 pm »
I posted this in the wrong place sorry.

cRPG Technical problems / I request a new Main.
« on: June 15, 2012, 10:02:43 pm »
I didn't realise that if you delete your main you cant change the role of main to a current alt, and you must create a new character first.

I saw a post that devs/admins (idk) would change your role once and after that you would have to go the default way of changing your role.

So I was wondering if I could get a role change from my character Niall_Bodkin ( petitioned to be changed to "HLR_Niall) to main.

Any explanation on what I should do or if this onetime role change is valid.

General Discussion / I request a new Main.
« on: June 15, 2012, 10:02:12 pm »
I didn't realise that if you delete your main you cant change the role of main to a current alt, and you must create a new character first.

I saw a post that devs/admins (idk) would change your role once and after that you would have to go the default way of changing your role.

So I was wondering if I could get a role change from my character Niall_Bodkin ( petitioned to be changed to "HLR_Niall) to main.

Any explanation on what I should do or if this onetime role change is valid.

General Discussion / I would like to change my Main
« on: June 15, 2012, 09:59:18 pm »
I didn't realise that if you delete your main you cant change the role of main to a current alt, and you must create a new character first.

I saw a post that devs/admins (idk) would change your role once and after that you would have to go the default way of changing your role.

So I was wondering if I could get a role change from my character Niall_Bodkin ( petitioned to be changed to "HLR_Niall) to main.

Any explanation on what I should do or if this onetime role change is valid.

cRPG Technical problems / Re: I save my armour but Ingame its not their
« on: January 03, 2012, 10:46:33 am »
I dont even see the armour I start with last I changed to it

cRPG Technical problems / I save my armour but Ingame its not their
« on: January 01, 2012, 04:29:12 am »
I Save my armour and make sure everything is ok but when im in game I get this other stuff thats at 11-12 difficulty but it doesnt give any effect whilst I wear it,
Please help

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