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Messages - Techno_Killer

Pages: [1]
That did not help me, my push to talk button does not work while mount and blade is running without the overlay however I re installed both and since then it has been fine, thanks guys for the help anyway and glad someone fixed their problem if not me lol ^^

So I can launch c-rpg both as an admin and without just fine when Teamspeak is not running, and I can join games and all that, but as soon as I run the Teamspeak as both an admin and without, C-rpg freezes and crashes and from there I can no longer launch c-rpg until my teamspeak is not running.

I don't know what to do about dis one.

General Discussion / Re: NA 2v2 Tournament 7pm EST THIS SATURDAY
« on: January 12, 2013, 01:49:12 am »
As for the time: anytime after 8 pacific time.

General Discussion / Re: NA 2v2 Tournament 7pm EST THIS SATURDAY
« on: January 11, 2013, 10:42:07 pm »
Steam Name: Technokiller
In-Game Name: Techno_Killer_MB
Partner: Token_Smitty_MB

Sell/Trade / Re: MW Arbalest and Sharp Steel Bolts
« on: October 13, 2012, 11:24:11 pm »
Le Bump

Sell/Trade / MW Arbalest and Sharp Steel Bolts
« on: October 13, 2012, 04:38:21 am »
Trading my MW arbalest for a MW longsword and 50k or just selling for money.
Trading sharp steel bolts for a loom point, money, or +1 Pronoia Armor.

Faction Halls / Re: [NA] Slaves To The Eye [NA]
« on: September 27, 2012, 07:20:19 am »
New Teamspeak Information.

Faction Halls / Re: [NA] Slaves To The Eye [NA]
« on: September 25, 2012, 09:10:44 pm »
imagine banner on a round shield :P

haha kanwulf uses it and its awesome.

Faction Halls / Re: [NA] Slaves To The Eye [NA]
« on: September 25, 2012, 09:10:20 pm »
What happened to Zoltan?

Not enough people understood the reference, or even saw the movie dude where's my car from which zoltan is from,
So this was made instead :/ Idk I liked the Zoltan banner moar.

Faction Halls / [NA] Slaves To The Eye [NA]
« on: September 24, 2012, 11:56:26 am »
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I know of a Hell...
A Hell where you serve one eternal purpose, and the things you hold "dear" are for naught.
For everything is lost when you give your soul to the depths of Hell.
Love crumbles to ash in the mind, memories of happiness and feelings of remorse vanish.
A waking terror is installed, constant, and controlling.
A contract painted in blood, you avoid Hell's Fire to suffer from eternal life.
Nowhere to run, no breaking the contract.
What would you have done....

 :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
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 :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

Eternal damnation for the Rise of The Eye....
That is all our purpose will ever be.

Founders and Members:
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Form of Teamspeak:
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Application Process and Rules:
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We are looking to grow and become a clan that works together in both siege and battle. We really want to become a rivaled force in strat as well, we are looking for players who have been playing for at least a few months, also we will gather together in duel from time to time as we grow to go over strats and work on core strategy. We are just looking to have fun :) We are neutral with all clans at the moment and hope you guys keep a lookout for the banner of The Eye.
- Mongoose & Techno

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Closed Requests / Unban Bone_Splitter aka Techno_Killer
« on: September 02, 2012, 04:30:51 am »
Yeah so lord_armagedon was aboosing me the whole time! Naturally seeing as how I didnt think he would be trying to get me banned I didn't report nor take any screenshots of him attacking me too nor am I denying i was hitting him. However in no way was it over the span of 2-3 minutes it was while we were battling a group of people and bone splitter is a stf xbower who had a sword out with 3 ps and he was attacking me thus all the "wounded by bone_splitter"'s in his log. I didnt kill him I stopped when he was at 4 and moved away.

You can even see me having a convo with someone trying to ignore the whole thing because I didnt think anything of it.
He was just antagonizing me into attacking which I did and I am sorry but think that this ban is a bit much when he was attacking me too :(
Anyway I would appreciate a lift on the 3day ban :/ To be banned for 3 days by someone who was attacking me too and just because I don't screenshot and look to get people banned dampers my spirits and now I have to smoke more weed and find a game that will suite me (poorly im sure) until this ban is up.

Thank you admins

P.S armagedon is a bully :/

Closed Requests / The_Last_Apple_Pie
« on: December 29, 2011, 12:59:19 pm »
So the round starts, we are on defence.
I spawn infront of Royal_Crossbow and he shoots me right away and proceeds to pull out his 2h and kills me,
i respawn 30 seconds later and an aus player named Dirty_Albert runs up and hits me.
After they started saying racial things and talking about how i was a troll and should be kicked they set a pole and kicked me.

In no way was this fair I was the one being tked and they continued to tk other members of the match as well. SMH how lame.

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