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Messages - Artemis13

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Announcements / Re: - The patch of destiny
« on: October 23, 2014, 04:03:26 am »
Well.. if the design of the game is literally to discourage archers as a viable class on its own...

Please don't take this as a rage quit - I'm not angry. It isn't the game I want to play, and that's fine. Not every player is going to be pleased by every game. I think most people would agree that I was sort of always a fish out of water in CRPG.

But the sensible thing at this point is for me to admit this isn't going to be a game for me, and to go find something else. No hard feelings. I had a lot of really fun times which means my time was in no way wasted.

Thanks Tydeus, San, and everyone else for working their butts off on a game, for free, in the hopes that it would entertain a lot of people for a really long time. I have total respect for you and I hope this turns out the way you hope. I know it can get rough when people constantly attack volunteers for doing things they think is best. Been there, done that.

Adios y'all, and try not to hate on each other too much :D


Announcements / Re: - The patch of destiny
« on: October 22, 2014, 06:07:27 pm »
There are those saying archers should need to hybridize in order to survive.
There are those saying archers just shouldn't ever be getting valor because they are playing the game on easy mode.

Firstly, I've played melee and I've played archer, and they are both hard in different ways. They are different parts of the game. Trying to say one entire class CONCEPT is not worthy and should only be in the game if they aren't allowed to be what they are, most of the time... that's rough. That IS how this patch feels, also - that archers are being told, "Don't exist. If you insist upon existing, it has been ensured that this will be very unpleasant for you, and you really will spend most of your time being a gimped melee class." I trust though that staff is not deliberately doing that, and will reconsider what's happened at some point.

Secondly, I play hybrid all the time these days. I think I have about as solid a hybrid setup as one could have. It still makes me weaker in melee than straight melee, so the tradeoff in melee prowess in order to play low-damage archer for part of the round is not a sensible one at the moment. I don't feel that this patch makes me appreciate being hybrid - it makes me think I should have gone pure, undiluted archer or pure melee.

My suggestion would have been not to make all these other archer tweaks, but to have made it impossible to carry more than one quiver. That alone would probably have taken care of the "run and kite indiscriminately without any penalty" feel. I myself only use one quiver because it always felt game-balanced to me in the results of the round and forced me to plan my strategy (yeah, I know, I was never much of a munchkin... I like to not break my games.)

Announcements / Re: - The patch of destiny
« on: October 22, 2014, 07:27:10 am »
All most of us have are personal experiences and perspectives, unless we have code in front of us. So that's all I've got to give, here.

I'm a very optimistic sort of gameplayer. Played online games since the BBS days, tabletop before that. I've been staff, paid and unpaid, and a player in just about everything. I take a lot of stuff in stride and I trust that staff generally is just trying their best. I've not ever given up on any previous patch to CRPG, but just tried to play better. In fact, I've never rage-quit any game, never said "I'm taking my friends and GOING HOME" in over 20 years.

This patch hurts so bad, I am waiting to play until I see a new 'update your launcher' notice. It's just so demoralizing, and even though I've played and played and played to see what I could do with it, it just makes me feel like the archer class is currently not functional for most people. "Most" includes me, as I have no illusions of heroics.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Arrows Complaint Wine thread
« on: October 21, 2014, 06:35:30 pm »
On the issue of people running at various speeds, armor, agility, and the weight of arrows, I can only offer the following observation:

At 24 agi, medium light armor, my archer mostly can't outrun dudes in plate armor wielding halberds.

Something not really okay with that from my perspective - though I'm sure melee folks are happy with it.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Arrows Complaint Wine thread
« on: October 21, 2014, 04:49:32 am »
To answer San:

Typically, I use all my arrows about 3/4 of the way through. I might try some hail Mary's at the very beginning, but no more than 2 or so if the situation is very good for lucky shots (i.e. all the enemies are massed together, which is the traditional use of bows in warfare.) It's why I never went pure archer, because once the arrows are gone, you're done and I like to play to the end.

Now with the patch, arrows are done very early - for me, about 1/2 of the way through the round or earlier. So unless one puts a lot of points into melee, I suspect an archer's game is over very quickly into the match.

If the idea was that damage was to remain about the same, I can definitely and without any reservations say that is not at all what happened. The damage is slashed to at least half, possibly more.

Thus the result is, archer game ends quickly, and ineffectively.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Arrows Complaint Wine thread
« on: October 21, 2014, 04:32:02 am »
At level 36, playing archer from the start of CRPG, good solid archer build with melee secondary (because when you run out of arrows, which is really fast now, you kinda need it), I can get about 20 points on the board if I don't miss anything and manage get a kill or two (which is now completely based on whether or not someone has hit them with a melee weapon first). I really can't do much better than that - it's my new system-enforced cap. Typical score is about 6 because of bad damage.

I am trusting that this level of ineffectiveness was not the goal because it just makes no sense at all.

General Discussion / Re: Plated Donkey Mod
« on: August 16, 2014, 12:35:23 am »
And the texture could easily be darkened.

Announcements / Re:
« on: August 14, 2014, 06:58:44 pm »
I've been fiddling with it quite a bit since the hotfix. I can definitely detect a drop from before all the recent changes, but they aren't as bad as they were. It's been a few days and I feel like I'm still re-learning how to shoot so the difference is significant, but I don't think it's impossibly bad like it was before. I'll know more about how balanced it all is as I settle into more comfort with it. Though, usually, it only takes me a day or two to adjust so maybe this is as good as it gets and my effectiveness is where it's going to stay, which is a bit of a sad sigh if so.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Plated Donkey
« on: August 06, 2014, 10:24:06 pm »
Added normals map and texture2 (a higher contrast version, in case it looks better.) Normals map is a bit rough - I didn't polish it up or try to reproject it to clean up anomalies, but it might be fine for this. I just saw you did another normals map so whichever you like best, go for it!

Suggestions Corner / Re: Plated Donkey
« on: August 05, 2014, 09:21:48 pm »
If  you want the original bump I can upload it. Probably tomorrow I'd have time. If you're happy with yours, no worries :)

Suggestions Corner / Re: Plated Donkey
« on: August 05, 2014, 01:26:38 am »
Let me know if the details fade out too much under the lighting conditions. I can pump up the contrast which will help some with that.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Plated Donkey
« on: August 04, 2014, 10:33:49 pm »
Sorry about the delay. Really couldn't get to it for a while. I'm including a re-UV mapped .obj, and a diffuse texture map. If more maps are needed, like normals, I can send that too.

I wish I had time to make this look nicer, but with the time crunch I'm in, I hope this will do for what you need. If not, I'll get back to it when the CrazyTime(tm) is over.

Announcements / Re:
« on: July 30, 2014, 10:43:03 pm »
Cool, thanks Tydeus and everyone involved!

Suggestions Corner / Re: Plated Donkey
« on: July 30, 2014, 05:40:28 am »
Done with the rebuilding of the high res mesh, creating textures now. Sorry it's taking so long. Life is 14 hour work days right now.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Plated Donkey
« on: July 26, 2014, 10:44:15 pm »
It's a good way to start getting familiar with meshes (messing with pre-existing ones). That's how I got started years ago.

I'm reworking the high res model a bit. I didn't think the baked texture was interesting enough so I'm fixing some of the details. If everything goes the way I like, it should be done this weekend. I'm just always getting blindsided by stuff at work so my projections may or may not be very accurate :D

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