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Messages - Mookzen

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: New Teamwounding Report System
« on: January 02, 2012, 07:58:09 pm »
People don't seem to understand what 'intentional' means. That is all.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Crossbow/Polearm hybrid builds
« on: January 02, 2012, 06:44:04 pm »
After some modest consideration and a modicum of feedback option 3 it is. A rather good balance of survivability, mobility and damage it seems. Was playing around with leaving crossbows at 80 but want to bump it up to 100 for that extra bit of reload and accuracy after all.

Strength: 21
Agility: 18
Hit points: 64
Skills to attributes: 8
Ironflesh: 4
Power Strike: 7
Athletics: 6
Weapon Master: 6
Polearm: 133
Crossbow: 100

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Crossbow/Polearm hybrid builds
« on: January 02, 2012, 12:28:56 pm »
Nobody thinks the str builds are worth considering ?

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Crossbow/Polearm hybrid builds
« on: December 30, 2011, 10:57:18 am »
Option 2, but with more points in crossbows. Up to about 120 or so minimum. I'd at least take higher crossbow than melee skill, to be sure the shooting is worth a damn.

My reasoning behind investing more in poles is quite straightforward :

* Crossbow dmg is unaffected by wpf therefore it is inherently more rewarding point for point to invest in poles
* Performance at range is most often defined by missed/caught opportunities rather than life or death situations
* Crossbow wpf means degrees of precision, pole wpf means the difference between possible and impossible melee

While it is true that range performance (with its systemic uncertainty) will somewhat suffer, certainly melee demands most help. The extra attack speed and damage can feasibly make the difference between being able to stand toe-to-toe with that agi shielder or helplessly falling to his relentless assault. In addition, faster response times in melee will create opportunities, unlike additional crossbow wpf. It all comes down to the binary state of positive outcomes (managed the blow or not, exploited the opening or not etc.) being more beneficial and reliable in stark contrast to the probability modifier tweaks of a bolt cone spread. (taking armor penalties into account)

As noted in the OP, I do not wish this build to be perceived as a standard crossbowman with what-have-you sidearm, but rather a polearm wielder who shoots between bouts of melee.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Crossbow/Polearm hybrid builds
« on: December 30, 2011, 08:05:27 am »
Greetings, having just recently retired an archer I long for somewhat of a change.

Thinking of using a 1 slot crossbow and a 2 slot polearm of some manner, the intention being to play a pure hybrid in the sense of not trying to run away to reposition but rather engaging opponents in melee where possible. Now, the real question is that of builds. I've started to narrow down the number of possibilities but would very much appreciate some feedback.

If there is a better way I want to hear it, if there are inconsistencies and/or wasted points I want to hear it, if you support a particular option over the others I want to hear it. My objective here is to at the very least narrow things down further by eliminating candidates with, hopefully reasoned critique. The following list ranges from most to least agile :

Option 1

Strength: 16
Agility: 24
Hit points: 51
Skills to attributes: 10
Ironflesh: 0
Power Strike: 5
Athletics: 8
Weapon Master: 8
Polearm: 154
Crossbow: 100

Option 2

Strength: 18
Agility: 21
Hit points: 59
Skills to attributes: 8
Ironflesh: 3
Power Strike: 6
Athletics: 7
Weapon Master: 7
Polearm: 144
Crossbow: 100

Option 3

Strength: 21
Agility: 18
Hit points: 64
Skills to attributes: 8
Ironflesh: 4
Power Strike: 7
Athletics: 6
Weapon Master: 6
Polearm: 133
Crossbow: 100

Option 4

Strength: 24
Agility: 15
Hit points: 69
Skills to attributes: 8
Ironflesh: 5
Power Strike: 8
Athletics: 5
Weapon Master: 5
Polearm: 121
Crossbow: 100

Option 5

Strength: 27
Agility: 12
Hit points: 74
Skills to attributes: 8
Ironflesh: 6
Power Strike: 9
Athletics: 4
Weapon Master: 4
Polearm: 122
Crossbow: 80

Also note that this seems interesting and I am determined to do this, I don't much care how this build/class compares to others for I am willing to make it work as best it can. Cheers in advance, and do please justify your opinions with argument.

Sell/Trade / Re: Loom point sale - 500k
« on: December 29, 2011, 05:44:16 pm »

Sell/Trade / Loom point sale - 500k
« on: December 29, 2011, 05:32:09 pm »
As a new player lacking experience and unsure of what exactly to main I've decided to sell my first loom point, for the going rate of 500k. If interested, do please send a PM specifying the desired item, character is a 18/18 archer.

Also, considering my current lack of collateral, will only accept +1 requests.

General Discussion / Re: Suggestion to the dear Developers
« on: December 29, 2011, 12:49:43 am »
Bring on the change log !

General Discussion / Re: shame on devs
« on: December 28, 2011, 02:13:11 am »
I thought having all those silly extra back ground animations causes a huge amount of lag in a multiplayer environment? At least I know that's been the case when such things have been discussed in other games.

Animations are -entirely- client side, no extra information is passed so the cost of network performance is exactly 0.00 %

Spam / Re: cRPG dating adds
« on: December 28, 2011, 12:18:14 am »
I seem to get adds about gaming and making friends, guess I'm a pureblood.


General Discussion / Re: Christmas giveaway
« on: December 27, 2011, 09:06:45 pm »
Leather Gloves for Great Axe

Cheers in advance mate !

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