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Messages - Aleta

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This whole suggestion ties into cRPG's obsession with not allowing hybrid ranged/melee characters to be effective. There are currently two ways to go on this at the moment, which is Thrower and xbower. Archery is so imba that it's fair that it can't be used in a hybrid build as easily. When it comes to throwers, the accuracy is pretty random, the damage is low compared to the ammo you have and the range is crap. The xbow requires less investment in skill points, has high damage AND is accurate on long range. "Whaaat!?! Nerf NAOW!" However, the xbow takes forever to reload, in which time you are extremely prone to being shot by someone else, or attacked by someone in melee. The xbows are also pretty damn expensive, and the slot system makes your options of melee loadout very limited.

In my opinion xbows are fine. It's not like we have a gazillion xbowers. There are actually much more archers. Having the arbalest be 18 STR to use could force xbowers into being the "heavy alternative" where archery is the "light/AGI alternative". Not sure if that's really necessary though, but if one is supposed to make xbows require more investment, that would be the change I'd go for.

General Discussion / Re: Retain, Retrain, and Renew our community!
« on: January 16, 2014, 01:13:42 pm »
cRPG isn't dying. Sure, Chivalry is an other game in the genre that doesn't suck major ballsack, and Chiv is more mainstream in that it's faster, more brutal and easier to get decent in than M&B. However, M&B/cRPG is a more complete medieval combat game, which is also more strategy based than others in the genre. Also remember that the ones still left in the game, are some very good players. Most of the people help to create a great community. A very big amount of the players are in clans, compared to other multiplayer games.

To conclude, I'd say that cRPG is a mod for a game that was never really that "famous". However, very many players who play M&B (whatever mods they like) stay with the game for a long time. I'm guessing when Bannerlord is out, very many cRPG players will move over, but perhaps we will get a Bannerlord cRPG? or perhaps people will come back to cRPG while waiting for a mod like that.

I would not worry for the cRPG fanbase, it may be small, but it is hard as steel.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Why do I suck so bad at 2h?
« on: January 14, 2014, 07:14:59 pm »
In my experience the biggest problems come when your ping is alternating while playing. A bit of stutter on your computer if you don't have really good enough computer for your settings may also be a problem. However, if ping is stable on something below 60 everything should be fine.

Things that may make people play bad, especially when they come from duel server to battle/siege is that you quickly have to fight different types of people all the time. If you're a shield my old friend that's no problem since you can just turtle a bit to relax and read your new opponent. With a polearm you can spam your length a bit to force some distance, so you get a bit of time there as well. But with the longsword you always have to be ready to quickly read a new opponent, see his/her playstyle and weapon choice and decide how to fight, as you have no "no-brainer"-method of giving yourself some time. I'm guessing that's why OP has more problems with the longsword than with 1h/shield or polearm.

This is an incredibly good idea, however it may be hard to code and make work properly. (if it's easy to implement, wouldn't it have been made several years ago?)

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Crossbows with 1 WPF
« on: August 30, 2012, 02:07:42 pm »
What are people's thoughts on this? I have started taking an unloomed Mace along with my xbow (its only 3 slots for arbalest and ammo). It weighs about the same as a 2nd bag of bolts and seems to dish out some good damage. Good for killing people who sneak up on me from behind.

I think it is a little too strong for what is essentially just some extra repair costs and minor weight. When you think about it too, I could put a bunch of wpf into 2hand without really sacrificing much in xbows since xbow wpf doesn't really add much to your accuracy capability past a certain point. I noticed looming the mace adds some great stats too


Suggestions Corner / Re: "cRPG Kingdoms"
« on: August 30, 2012, 01:40:28 pm »
this idea is great :) A bit like pottermore, except you can play awesome cRPG instead of brewing potions and have wizard duels.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Game mode: protect the VIP
« on: March 19, 2012, 08:13:13 am »
There was a similar gamemode proposed recently, where one had siege and one team had a king they were supposed to keep alive instead of the flag. I think both this and that sounds a lot better than defend the virgin. I think just gamemodes with bots just isn't that fun and also is exploitable.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Long Voulge
« on: March 18, 2012, 06:19:17 pm »
I think a lot of people chose the last option, because it just was too funny :P

Suggestions Corner / Re: Less rain.
« on: March 18, 2012, 01:07:33 pm »
Just giving this thread a small bump. Rain needs to be removed or at least just be for visual effects. 

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Mauls
« on: March 18, 2012, 02:21:28 am »
If would be more realistic if more weapons had the crushthrough ability to be honest. However, it could be less chance for it happening than it is now. Also, hits that crush through a block should deal a lot less damage than an unblocked hit, and should not be able to knock people down. What I think most people hate about the crushthough is that it deals the same damage whether you block an overhead swing or not, and you most likely get knocked to the ground making you most likely die on the hit the enemy gets on you while knocked down.

I'm not really sure if it is possible, but perhaps "nerf" the crushthough ability a bit by making it deal a lot less damage through a block than when unblocked. Also possibly giving more weapons back their crushthough ability, but with a lot smaller chance for it happening based on the weapons weight and the users strength.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Greatsword or Polearms?
« on: March 17, 2012, 10:24:24 am »
If you use a polearm that actually deals some good damage, you will feel like you're hitting too slow in duels. People will be able to block your attacks very easily, so you will have to feint and hiltslash and stuff like that to win duels. But in group fights the polearm speed is just fine. Also if you're used to playing with a 2 hander the length of the polearm is hard to get used to. Stabs will be very short compared to the visible weapon length. So that was some disadvantages of polearms. Now for some advantages:

You can handle cavalry slightly better than 2handers. You have the ability to be awesome in group fights. People will often think that you are slower than you really are, and that you are unable to block. The weapons you can choose between are more different. Meaning that if you take a big axe, it will be a bit like a 2hander, but if you use a pike or swiss halberd it is very different.

As a conclusion I can tell you my story. My main was a 2hander, but I really wanted to play with big fat weapons with a lot of power, so I respecced to polearm. So now I have been playing from like lvl 20 or something up to lvl 30 with polearms. I really like polearms, but I have been using the war spear lately since I feel it's one of the few polearms with speed and some damage in the stab. I'd say the speed of most polearms is too low for 1 on 1 encounters and duels, which is one of my favorite parts of the game. So when I retire on 31 I am considering going back to 2handers, but I am not really sure yet. I at least know that I played a lot better as a 2hander, especially with the Danish Greatsword, but I think I am having equal amounts of fun with both class types. And it's fun that it's all about right?

Game Balance Discussion / Re: archery..
« on: March 17, 2012, 01:26:26 am »
arrows are chamberblockable? is that a stab attack one is chambering then?

@XyNox' summarizing post, I think those things are just different solutions to archery put together all at once. I think the only change archery needs is a loss of the ability to kite like that. A lot of people think archers have too much damage and accuracy on high levels, but as long as they can't kite and shoot and kite and shoot it's really ok that they can 2 shot 95% of the players or 1 shot on lucky head shots. Just make athletics reduce the archery wpf or something. Then they would always stay slightly slow, and they can keep their accuracy and high damage. Then people could go for HA if they wanna kite and shoot.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Add this armours in game asap!
« on: March 14, 2012, 07:45:18 am »
the plated dog is a mount? ..or?

I agree with jokers suggestions.

I think bigger differences between the bow would be a good change. If the reduced missile speed on the smaller bows makes too much of a nerf, one could rather increase their weapon speed slightly.

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