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Messages - Gigglefluff

Pages: [1]
Other / Re: Unban Stromgarde_theriddleofsteel on HRE server
« on: September 13, 2012, 05:48:22 pm »
Rogue i do appreciate that ty, but like i said in the unbann request i stated i don't know whether they are true and that i heard he was a dick, not specifically my opinion, but yes i shouldn't have said it till i had found out for myself.
Cheers and sorry for that part of it.
Edit: I also know you can read chat logs :) I just picked 2 specific parts, but however cant claim if the, what turned out to be rumors" were true, all my other statements were fully true, i wouldn't care if he heard, as is then i was wrong in that respect.

Other / Re: Unban ForlorN_2Bach on HRE server and more
« on: September 13, 2012, 04:29:05 pm »
Well just put my essay on a new unbann post... Not very kind to him, but frankly don't care, ill happily play siege if hes always gona be on that server doing what hes doing.

Other / Unban Stromgarde_theriddleofsteel on HRE server
« on: September 13, 2012, 04:26:14 pm »
"Apparently quite a few peeps got perma banned, some new admin who is a real dick:P Perma banned a couple of guys just for an unfortunate th." "But i dunno how true the details are cos i wasn't there."
These are the messages i wrote when this admin called Obarkon just perma banned me, little confused because aside from this message there was nothing to be worthy of anything since i had not th or tk'ed and had the highest score on the board... In the message i also stated i don't know how true the information is so my original insult is there implied as something I've heard, not something i think he is, however would think he is if what has been claimed is true. I have no idea how new this guy is to being an admin, but i've never seen him around Hre server before and now he just joins and starts banning us all, since evidently I'm not the first...
Cheers for the time to read my raging but take some of it into consideration, Giggle

Other / Re: Unban ForlorN_2Bach on HRE server and more
« on: September 13, 2012, 04:20:32 pm »
Lol you managed to get rebanned again already as well fuma? :DDD

Other / Re: Unban ForlorN_2Bach on HRE server and more
« on: September 13, 2012, 04:15:19 pm »
Well jenna, i just got perma banned believe it or not, for saying, "Apparently theres some new admin who keeps banning peeps for th'ing, sounds like a dick, but not sure how true the information was" Sooo yeah love new admins...

Other / Re: Unban Stromgarde_theriddleofsteel on HRE server
« on: September 11, 2012, 08:57:35 pm »
Hmm well just spoke to rogue, says my bann runs out on 13/09/2012... reason for tking... except i've not actually team killed intentionally, like ever unless there was someone going against the vote to change map and killing the virgin without consent. Oh well, siege till then :( hopefully eu 7 will come up :(

Other / Unban Stromgarde_theriddleofsteel on HRE server
« on: September 11, 2012, 07:55:14 pm »
Not exactly sure what happened, no admins were on and no polls were activated but for some reason upon a map change i was banned, tried again nearly 3 hours later and still have the issue, saying "You are banned from the server" can you unbann me please?

Closed Requests / Re: Problem with admin thomek
« on: December 20, 2011, 05:12:19 pm »
It was not intentional, I stabbed for a guy he was dueling and lets just say i failed :( What i meant by i didn't kill anyone UNTIL, was i was having a good day and i had done no team kills so far in the 2 hours i was playing. Unfortunately, the one time i got unlucky, happened to be an admin who was in a bad mood.

Closed Requests / Problem with admin thomek
« on: December 19, 2011, 10:19:30 pm »
Hey, i was just playing for 2 hours on an EU CRPG server, i hadn't team killed anyone, until i managed to kill Thomek, i apologized etc. He then says "Don't fuck with me, take a break" and then banns me from the servers. I think this is a bit unreasonable and I don't see that i did anything wrong.

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